Page:An analysis of religious belief (1877).djvu/20

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Ewald. Zweite Ausgabe in drei Bänden. Erster Band. Jesaja mit den übrigen älteren Propheten. Göttingen, 1867. Zweiter Band. Jermja und Hezequiel mit ihren Zeitgenossen. Göttingen, 1868. Dritter Band. Die jüngsten Propheten des Alten Bundes mit den Büchern Barukh und Daniel. Göttingen, 1868.

Parsees. Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsees, by Martin Haug, Ph.D. Bombay, 1862.

Picard. The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the various Nations of the known World, by Mr. Bernard Picard. Faithfully translated into English by a gentleman. London, 1733.

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Rel. of Jews. The Book of the Religion, Ceremonies, and Prayers of the Jews, as practiced in their synagogues and Families on all Occasions; on their Sabbath and other Holidays throughout the year. Translated immediately from the Hebrew, by Gamaliel ben Pedazur, Gent. London, 1738.

R. I. Die Religiösen, Politischen, und Socialen Ideen der Asiatschen Culturvölker und der Aegypter, in ihrer historischen Entwickelung, dargestellt von Carl Twesten. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. M. Lazarus. 2 vols. Berlin, 1872.

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R. S. A. The Religious System of the Amazulu, by the Rev. Canon Callaway, M.D. Part i. Unkulunkulu; or the Tradition of Creation as existing among the Amazulu and other tribes of South Africa, in their own words, with a translation into English, and notes. Part ii. Amatongo, or Ancestor-Worship. Part iii. Izinyanga Zokubula, or Divination. Natal, &c., 1868-70.

R. T. R. P. Rgya Tehér Rol Pa, ou Développement des Jeux, contenant l'histoire du Bouddha Cakya-Mouni, traduit sur la version Tibétaine du Bkah Hgyour, et revu sur l'original Sanscrit (Lalitavistara) par Ph. Ed. Foucaux. Première Partie.