Page:An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk vol. 2.djvu/575

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KIMBERLEY. 553 served for aTljCtCorD in parliament, Q8th E/izabe/h, and married Jhazr}, daughter of "Joljll Corbct of .f)prC'di':;ton, Esq. sister to Sir IXiJlCSi €.0:- bCt,"Knt. who survived liim, and married ■Ocorgc ftcmp of aTottenfjam in .^BlQDlCS'C).", Esq. who, in his will dated l60ti, calls her .lEtarj Lady Wodehouse: Corbet Dotl) gilic a Rebus ridj anD olD, a Corbeau' Proper in f ICID oE Gold. He died in 15S8, and was buried at ftimfa£rlC)i the 4th oi April. ^ic Roger sii t)t uoungcr," be iDaji li^nigljtcD bn < Elsabeth, for ?t)e aro Ijim allicQ hn Shelton' ttasi, sljr came Co Kiinberley, anb loQgco tljftf tnitlj )ti Cram 2n NorfolU'jS progress ; Oc •taai nohln just, anD oit In )i affairs! : tDitncs* tljc trust, V)t laboiirco under for Ijia ocvartcD f ricna, anD fim.snian Knyvet, tnbom Ijc DiD DcftnD, againsit tl)C power of Court, Ijc DateD to .f)penD, i^i oton, to ijmDicatc Ijis Orpijan j-ricnD : i'^raiu- patriot ijc uiasi, tocah mens Defence against Oppression; prop of Jnnoccnce. . Henry Wodehouse, his second brother, was born 3d Jati. ^ 54G, Sir 2iOi}n liobi^art and his lady answered for him ; he was (as all his ancestors for many generations, always were) Justice ot the Peace, and twice member for the county of I^Dtfolh, viz. in the 14th and 31st Elizabeih. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Tho.mas, married atfiomai^ "3Ionc^ cf %m, Esq. and afterwards Sir ©cnncr .f)trutt, who lived at ftimbcrlto in 1650, for in that year he gave in his name to €ijoma^ ^rflDfOCD, then curate, according to an act for confining malignanls within fie miles of their dwelhng. Bv the Register of ftimbcrlcii, I find th: t 2?(anct), daughter of Sir ©Cnncr .litrutt, Knt. and Bart, and €11?. his lady, was baptized 13th June, 1644, ilnnc their daughter in l650, tfTjjoma.S their son in l651. She is buried in flimfacrlcn chancel: a<Tainst the north wall is a monument, erected with her figure kneeling at a fald-stool, with the arms of .^trutt and ©oDcljOU.^C, and this. Here lyeth the Body of Dame Elizabeth Strutt, Daughter of Sir Thomas Wodehouse of Kimberley in the County of Norfolk Knt. and Bart, the Wife of Sir Denner Stnilt of Litlle- JVar/i'i/ the County o{ Essex Knt. and Bart, by whom he had 5 Children, & left living 1 Sonne and 2 Daughters, Thomas, Blaneh, & Jiiite. She departed this Life 6 Nov. 1651, in the Yeare of her Age throne, which was erected for the ' i. e. a raven, which the name Cor- Queen in the grand hall at Kimberley; bet signifies, it IS of a crimson velvet, richly embroi- ' Or second Sir Roger, dered with gold, having on it the arms ' The Sheltons and Bulleyns were re- ef Wodehouse and his (luarlerings, with lated, Margaret Shelton that married the supporters, all in curious work, and Tho. Wodehouse, was daughter of a on the top are the same arms impaling BuUeyn, that married a Shelton. Corbet. VOL. n. -i ^