Page:Angelo's Pic Nic.djvu/85

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THE MINUET Colman, inquiring of the waiter about his master, was in formed, that very day he had hung himself in the cellar. Though my endeavours were often very inferior at a pun, I could not help saying, "Very low, very low indeed!" When, to my surprise, he laughed, at the same time observing "That's not bad, Angelo!" Ever since, I have occasionally made an attempt to pun; and what is far from encouraging to my attempts, have often been obliged to explain them. When looking for a laugh, not the least notice! However, .I have this comfort left-I can boast that I have often excited the smiles of Lord Byron, who was most pleased with those which he said were" far-fetched." REPARTEE. Whether wit, pun, or repartee, if not in print, to those that never heard the anecdote lately told me, I leave it for their perusal. At a fête given by our late Majesty George the Fourth, the costume as worn at the coronation, on that occasion, was introduced. George Colman, who was one of the Exons of the King's guards, his dress so adorned, attracted the notice of the Duke of Wellington, who laughing, said, “Why, Colman, you look like Pam."-"Do I, your Grace? then I am the hero of Loo.” THE MINUET. Referring to the old school. Of the many changes, the present is now considered superior; though but few years have intervened, I cannot omit alluding to the gentlemen of the pump-dancing masters. Considering my late profession 23