Page:Angna Enters - Among the Daughters.djvu/127

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ing her fingers, hoped the coast would be clear so she could hang the basket on the front door. Oh, for heaven's sake, there's Vida when I don't want to see her. I'll bet she'll ask where I got them.

"Where did you get the May basket?" Vida demanded. Who would have thought Lucy would be interested in such kid stuff?

"Oh, downtown." It wasn't really a lie because the studio was downtown.

"Kind of wilted, aren't they? I know where we could get fresh ones. A great big bunch. Over in the river woods. We could go Sunday."

"I can't go anywhere Sunday, I have to work."

"Work!—for that artist!—on Sunday!"

"I have to practice Sundays. It's the only whole afternoon I have. Don't forget I'm a dancer."

"How can anyone be a dancer in Congress?"

"Who said anything about Congress?"

That was the trouble with Lucy Claudel. Always going off somewhere. You never could pin her down. Who gave her the hepaticas? Harry? The artist? Or some new boy? "Listen, Lucy, I want that library book—it's overdue."

"I'll give it back in the morning. I have a couple of more pages. I want to find out what happens about that necklace—don't tell me! Imagine spoiling your whole life because of an old necklace!"

"Want to go to a movie tonight?"

"I still have some homework."

"You can copy mine—I'm finished."

"I'll see."

Dismissed, Vida watched Lucy disappear. Matilda's self-sacrifice in replacing the necklace in Maupassant's story had appealed to her. A noble gesture she wouldn't mind performing herself. For Lucy.

Lucy walked close to the house's side until Vida reluctantly disappeared and, making certain Mae was not yet in sight, tiptoed up the front steps, hung the basket on the doorknob and ran to the back door.

"My, that smells good, Aunt Mabel."

"Set the table, your mother will be here any minute." The undercurrent in Lucy's voice was signal she was up to no good. God only knew what went on at that artist's. Well, everyone had a cross to bear.

"Let's have India relish. I like it with hamburgers too—with practically everything. I'll bet you make good strawberry shortcake.