Page:Angna Enters - Among the Daughters.djvu/314

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where Chinese act in the stylized form of their drama. The plays go on for hours—five, six. When the players aren't acting they stand and walk around near where the musicians sit, and visit. The props are brought in and out as needed during the action. The audience comes and goes and eats and an old usher in a coolie suit brings steaming cloths for them to wipe their faces. The curious thing is that, after a while, you understand a good deal from the symbolism of the acting. I imagine Ranna similarly performs the legends of his country with its dance symbols."

"I guess we have something like that too. The shuffle in tap dancing from the lazy way Negroes walk."


"This may sound silly—but what you just told me makes it easier to understand what Ranna has been trying to teach me. But what I don't understand is that sometimes when I can't help but do his dance ballet way he likes it."

"That's probably because it is exotic to him, as his way is to you." The explanation struck her as reasonable but she did not accept it. "But I don't want to do it my way, I want to get it just right. We are going to give a recital the end of April—I hope you'll come."

"I expect to be in Europe then, but if I'm not—"

It's Simone, she thought jealously. In Paris they will walk like this. Well, let him go.

"You certainly don't stay put long."

"Something has come up," he said, determined not to be magnetized by the dazzling rays from those probing eyes. He felt drawn to her in a manner he had not felt for anyone but Simone, except that the feeling was almost sexless too in its affectionate protectiveness.

You could tell him everything, well almost, about yourself, and never know a thing about him in return, she fumed. Ranna was "better. He told about himself. Funny, romantic, naughty stories about childhood, boyhood, manhood, a girl and man friend all in one.

Snowflakes began to fall and she shivered.

"I'm cold. My hands are frozen."

"Haven't you pockets?"

What a self-centered inconsiderate man. "Never mind, I'll put my hands in my sleeves. Anyway it's getting late. I have a show, remember?"

He was paying no attention and walked so fast she hardly could