Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/112

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The Naseby, now no longer Englands shame,
But better to be lost in Charles his name,
(Like some unequal Bride in nobler sheets)
Receives her Lord: the joyful London meets
The princely York, himself alone a freight;
The Swift-sure groans beneath great Glouc'sters weight.
Secure as when the Halcyon breeds, with these,
He that was born to drown might cross the Seas.
Heav'n could not own a Providence, and take
The Wealth three Nations ventur'd at a stake.
The same indulgence Charles his voyage bless'd,
Which in his right had Miracles confess'd.
The Winds that never Moderation knew,
Afraid to blow too much, too faintly blew;
Or out of breath with joy could not enlarge
Their straightned Lungs, or conscious of their Charge.
The British Amphitryte smooth and clear,
In richer Azure never did appear;
Proud her returning Prince to entertain
With the submitted Fasces of the Main.
