Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/123

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A noble Emulation heats your Breast,
And your own Fame now robs you of your Rest:
Good Actions still must be maintain'd with good,
As Bodies nourish'd with resembling Food.
You have already quench'd seditious brand;
And Zeal (which burnt it) only warms the Land.
The jealous Sects that dare not trust their Cause
So far from their own will as to the Laws,
You for their Umpire and their Synod take,
And their appeal alone to Cæsar make.
Kind Heav'n so rare a temper did provide,
That Guilt repenting might in it confide.
Among our Crimes oblivion may be set,
But 'tis our Kings perfection to forget.
Virtues unknown to these rough Northern climes
From milder heav'ns you bring, without their Crimes:-
Your Calmness does no after-Storms provide,
Nor seeming Patience mortal Anger hide.
When Empire first from Families did spring,
Then every Father govern'd as a King;
But you that are a Sovereign Prince, allay
Imperial Pow'r with your paternal sway.
