Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/61

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The Year of Wonders.
Rude as their Ships was Navigation, then;
No useful Compass or Meridian known:
Coasting, they kept the Land within their ken,
And knew no North but when the Pole-star shone.

Of all who since have us'd the open Sea,
Than the bold English none more Fame have won:
(s) Extra anni solisque vias, Virg..(s) Beyond the Year, and out of Heav'ns high-way,
They make discoveries where they see no Sun.

But what so long in vain, and yet unknown,
By poor man-kinds benighted Wit is sought:
Shall in this Age to Britain first be shewn,
And hence be to admiring Nations taught.

The Ebbs of Tides, and their mysterious Flow,
We, as Arts Elements shall understand:
And as by Line upon the Ocean go,
Whose Paths shall be familiar as the Land.

163. (t) Instructed