Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/76

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Now, like some rich or mighty Murderer,
Too great for Prison, which he breaks with Gold:
Who fresher for new Mischiefs does appear,
And dares the World to tax him with the old.

So scapes th' insulting Fire his narrow Jail,
And makes small out-lets into open air:
There the fierce Winds his tender Force assail,
And beat him down-ward to his first repair.

(a) Like crafty, &c. Hæc arte cupidum virum, ut illius animum inopia accenderet. (a) The Winds, like crafty Courtezans, with-held
His Flames from burning, but to blow them more:
And every fresh attempt, he is repell'd
With faint Denials weaker than before.

And now, no longer letted of his Prey,
He leaps up at it with inrag'd Desire:
O'relooks the Neighbours with a wide survey,
And nods at every House his threatning Fire.

223. The