Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/94

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The utmost Malice of their Stars is past,
And two dire Comets, which have scourg'd the Town,
In their own Plague and Fire have breath'd their last:
Or, dimly, in their sinking sockets frown.

Now frequent Trines the happier lights among,
And high-rais'd Jove from his dark Prison freed:
(Those Weights took off that on his Planet hung,)
Will gloriously the new-laid Work succeed.

Me-thinks already, from this Chymick flame,
I see a City of more precious mold:
(c) Mexico. Rich as the Town which gives the (c) Indies name,
With Silver pav'd, and all divine with Gold.

Already, labouring with a mighty fate,
She shakes the Rubbish from her mounting Brow,
And seems to have renew'd her Charters date,
Which Heav'n will to the death of time allow.

295. More