Page:Appleton's Guide to Mexico.djvu/50

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Dec. 8, 1861. Spanish troops land at Vera Cruz; December 17th, it surrenders.
Dec. 15, 1861. The Mexican Congress dissolves, after conferring full powers on the President.
Jan. 7, 8, 1862. A British naval and French military expedition arrives.
Jan., 1862. The Mexicans determine on resistance, and invest Vera Cruz; their taxes are raised 25 per cent.
Feb., 1862. Miramon arrives, but is sent back to Spain by the British admiral.
Feb., 1862. Project of establishing a Mexican monarchy for the Archduke Maximilian of Austria disapproved of by the British and Spanish Governments.
Feb. 19, 1862. Negotiation ensues between the Spaniards and Mexicans; convention between the commissaries of the allies and the Mexican General Doblado at Soledad.
March, 1862. The Mexican General Marquez takes up arms against Juarez, and General Almonte joins the French General Lorencez. Juarez demands a compulsory loan, and puts Mexico in a state of siege.
April 9, 1862. Conference between plenipotentiaries of the allies at Orizaba; the English and Spaniards declare for peace, which is not agreed to by the French, who declare war against Juarez on April 16th.
May, 1862. The Spanish and British forces retire; the French Government sends re-enforcements to Lorencez.
May 5, 1862. The French, induced by Marquez, advance into the interior; severely repulsed by General Zaragoza, at Fort Guadalupe, near Puebla.
June 13, 14," The French defeat the Mexicans at Cerro del Borrego, near Orizaba.
August, 1862. The Mexican Liberals said to be desirous of negotiation.
Aug. 28, 1862. General Forey and 2,500 French soldiers land.
Sept., 1862. Letter from the Emperor Napoleon to Lorencez, disclaiming any intention of imposing a government on Mexico, announced.
Sept. 8, 1862. Death of Zaragoza, a great loss to the Mexicans.
Oct., 1862. General Forey deprives Almonte of the presidency at Vera Cruz, and appropriates the civil and military power to himself.
Oct. 19, 1862. Ortega takes command of the Mexican army.