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Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems, vol. V, no. 3, 2013ISSN 2067 –

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Approaches on Internet of Things Solutions

Cristian TOMA, Cristian CIUREA, Ion IVAN
Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Piata Romana 6, Bucharest

Journal of Mobile, Embedded and Distributed Systems 5(3) 124-129
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is presented with its features and particularities in the first section of the paper. In the second section are presented the technical terminology and how inter-domain technologies such as: Internet/Semantic and Middleware, RFID/NFC and Smart Objects-embedded devices are linked together. The paper shows an implementation of the authentication procedure with a proximity tag/card implemented in Java SE, in the third section. The conclusions are presented in the fourth section and they describe the opportunity to develop a proof of concept project, which may have multiple implementations.

Key-Words: Sensors Authentication, IoT (Internet of Things), Supply Chain Management Security

1. IoT (Internet of Things) Ecosystem Intro

The concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is related to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in a structure similar with the Internet [1]. This new concept is an innovative solution to realize a quantitative analysis of all the things that surround us. A prerequisite needed for the Internet of Things is the radiofrequency identification (RFID). If all objects and people in real life were equipped with identifiers and smart-tags, they could be managed and inventoried by computers [2].

People have limited time, attention and accuracy, so that they are not very good at capturing and storing information about all the things from the real world (even if we include 2D barcodes used for Automatic Data Acquisition applications). An alternative view on IoT, from the Semantic Web perspective, focuses instead on making all things addressable by the existing naming protocols, such as URI (this refer to other things than those electronic, smart, or RFID-enabled). The objects themselves can be referred for the moment by other agents, for example by powerful centralized servers acting for their human owners, without conversion.

In [3] is considered that the Internet of Things is the network of physical objects that contain integrated technology to communicate and sense or to interact with their internal states or the external environment.

The Internet of Things is a revolutionary concept that is for the moment at the beginning, in the incipient phase, but which will become in few years an important research subject.

Figure 1 below present the concept of Internet of Things and the connection between all involved components.

For the development of all the applications of the Internet of Things is compulsory to develop a range of technologies and solutions, in which free and open software plays an important role, providing both hardware architecture and open source software, such as development environments, that allows the development of open source applications for the Internet of Things.

2. IoT Technical Details

The IoT is composed of many sensors, application platforms, user platforms, and so on, creating a community ecosystem. A sensor is a component that collects and delivers information about things in a specified area. By building a shared common platform such as IoT will create a richer ecosystem for all the people, by enabling the development of innovative systems to focus on the value-added of the human physical touch points of connected objects and the services that manage these objects [4].

The Internet of Things means to connect in realtime people and objects from the real physical world together in a network of sensing, reasoning, and action. The IoT connects people and things together with software products and applications.


  1. Cristian Toma, Cristian Ciurea, Ion Ivan – Authentication Issues for Sensors in IoT Solutions, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications (SECITC'13), June 25-26, 2013, Bucharest, Romania, ASE Printing House, ISSN 2285-1798, ISSN-L 2285-1798.
  2. Wikipedia, Internet of Things, Available at:
  3. Open Smart Cities I: Open Source Internet of Things, Available at:
  4. Michael Koster, Data models for the Internet of Things, Available at: