Page:Archaeologia volume 38 part 2.djvu/86

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An Account of the Latter Years of


An Account of the Latter Years of

on an eminence overlooking the Lamme Fjord. But I was then doomed to disap- pointment. The vault which contained the coffin was in an unused so-called side

The Castle of Drachtholro, now Adelcriborg, the residence of Baron X.utphen Adeler.

chapel, the opening of which would be attended with much time, labour, and expense. About three miles from the church lies Drachsholm (now a baronial residence called Adelersborg) in a sequestered spot, partly surrounded by a small wood : before it is the Great Belt, behind it the Lamme Fjord : the country about open and bleak. The exterior of the castle, with its moat, is precisely the same as when Bothwell was its inmate. Baron Zutphen Adeler received me kindly and hospitably, and showed me the dungeon (now a wine-cellar) which tradition tells was Bothwell's prison, with a large iron ring in the wall, to which the prisoner was bound.

Aware of the great interest taken by his present Majesty in endeavouring at this time to ascertain the authenticity of the remains of some of the early kings of Denmark, I, on my return, memorialised his Majesty to use his influence in the present highly interesting case to obtain the consent of Baron Adeler to the opening of the vault in Faareveile Church. The king graciously entertained my