Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/113

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Trustees. In foreign lands the Directors of Public Establishments are ever watchful to secure everything which may render more complete the collections entrusted to their charge for the public benefit. The recent fate of the invaluable Faussett Museum has shown in too strong a light how disadvantageous to science is the want of enlightened intelligence in the administration of the British Museum; the loss of such a collection must be viewed by English Archæologists as irreparable. Its value has been more worthily appreciated in another quarter; and most honourable record must be made of the spirit and liberality with which Mr. Mayer has come forward to rescue these precious illustrations of ancient arts and manners from being dispersed or transported to some foreign collection.

Recent Historical and Archaeological Publications.

Ordericus Vitalis, Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy; translated with notes and the Introduction of Guizot, by T. Forester, M.A. Vol. II. Post 8vo. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.)

Ingulph, Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, with the Continuations by Peter of Blois and other writers. Translated with notes by H. T. Riley. Post 8vo. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.)

Lives of the Princesses of England, by Mrs. Everett Green, Vol. V., comprising Memoirs of Mary Tudor, third daughter of Henry VII., and of Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. Portraits. H. Colburn.

Contributions to Literature, by Mark Antony Lower, F.S.A., comprising Essays on Local Nomenclature; on the Battle of Hastings; on the Iron Works of the South of England; on Yew-trees in Church-yards; Antiquarian Pilgrimage in Normandy, &c. Post 8vo. Woodcuts. 7s. 6d.

Topographer and Genealogist. Part XIII, Commencing Vol. III. Edited by John Gough Nichols, Esq., F.S.A. Contents; Account of the Manor of Apuldrefield, in Kent; Petition from Wotton Basset, relative to the right of the Burgesses to free pasture in Fasterne Park; Memoranda in Heraldry, from Le Neve's MSS.; On the descent of William of Wykeham; Indenture regarding lands in Cirencester, &c. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

British Archaeological Association, Journal, No. 35, October, 1853. Address by the President at the Rochester Congress; Historical sketch of Rochester Castle; Memoir of Gundulph, bishop of Rochester; Rochester Cathedral; Leeds Castle, Kent; the Dutch expedition to the Medway in 1667; On the origin and antiquity of playing cards; Documents relating to the Spanish Armada and the defences of the Thames and Medway; Proceedings of the Rochester Congress.—No. 36, January, 1854. Genealogical and heraldic Notices of the Earls of Kent. Romney Marsh. Proceedings of the Rochester Congress, (continued) and of the Association.

Numismatic Chronicle, edited by J. Y. Akerman, Sec. Soc. Ant., No. 62. Coins of Agrippias Cæsarea; Find of Anglo-Saxon coins in the Isle of Man; Uncertain coins of the Anglo-Saxon period; Bactrian coins; Remarks on the copper coinage of the Byzantine Emperors ; On coins of Ceylon, with remarks on the so-called ring-money and fish-hook money of that island.—No. 63. Coin pedigrees; Uncertain Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Danish coin; Ring-money, as a medium of exchange; Unpublished coins of Carausius; Unpublished varieties of rare coins; Silver coin attributed to Dubnovellaunus; Remarks on fish-hook money; Early Celtic coins found in Kent, &c.

Remains of Pagan Saxondom, principally from Tumuli in England. By J. Y. Akerman, Sec. Soc. Ant. 4to. J. Russell Smith. Each part contains two coloured plates.—Part VII. Bronze bucket found at Cuddesden, Oxfordshire; Fibula found near Billesdon, Leicestershire.—Part VIII. Fraj;nients from a tumulus at Caenby, Lincolnshire, presented to the British Museum by the Rev. E. Jarvis. Portion of a very large jewelled fibula from a tumulus at Ingarsby, Leicestershire.—Part IX. Glass drinking vessels from cemeteries in Kent; Fibulæ found near Rugby.

Collectanea Antiqua. Etchings and Notices of ancient remains. By Charles Roach Smith. Vol. III. Part II. Printed for the Subscribers only. Sarcophagus and Roman remains found near the Minories, Loudon; Roman leaden coffins; Brass trumpet,