Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/127

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cruciform fibulæ were also found; one on the right, the other on the left shoulder; these are exactly similar, with square tops, and very much resemble figure 4, plate 2, of Douglas' Nenia; one of them had been slightly gilt. A circular bronze ring fibula lay by the left hand; the bronze is thin and flat, 1/2 an inch wide; diameter of circle, 2 inches; the pin has been of iron. One bronze ring, not suited for the finger, lay by the left hand; it measures 1 inch in diameter. Two rings of iron were also found by the left hand, 11/2 and 33/4 inches in diameter. An iron knife, 51/4 inches long, lay by the left hand; width, 3/4 of an inch, and 1/2 an inch at the point. The bones of some small animal lay also by the left hand. Fifty-seven beads lay about the collar bones; among them is one small bead of white crystal; the rest are of amber, two of them flat circles. A small Roman coin—Constantinopolis, was found among the beads, perforated for a neck ornament. This grave was on the outside of the mound.

January 17. No 22.—2 feet 10 inches deep. This skeleton was pronounced by Mr. Davis to be that of a boy of about 14 years. No reliques found with the deposit. The arms were folded across the breast, with the tips of fingers touching.

January 18. No. 23.—3 feet deep. One iron knife, 31/2 inches long; one iron spear, 6 inches long; length of blade, 33/4 inches, it has the open-slit socket.

No. 24.—3 feet 6 inches deep. Head to the south-west. Sixteen small beads of amber about the collar bones. Two small cruciform fibulæ of bronze, one over each shoulder. The broad end of both is surmounted by a small circular projection resembling the fibula found in an urn at Wilbraham ("Saxon Obsequies," plate 9); one of them has the iron acus remaining. A bronze pin or stylus, like that found with No. 16, 31/2 inches long. This lay over the left shoulder.

No. 25.—3 feet deep. Head towards south-west. It was sent to Mr. Davis, and pronounced to be that of a male of about twenty-eight years. An iron spear, length 93/4 inches, lay by the head. Length of blade 53/4 inches; this is leaf-shaped, being 1 inch wide at the base, 11/2 in the centre, and 1/2 inch at point; one iron knife, 31/4 inch long, was found by the thigh, width of blade 1/2 inch. An iron boss of a shield was upon the stomach, of similar shape to that found with No. 14,