Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/367

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NOTICES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. 307 daughter of Henry VII., and queen of Louis XII. of France, is marked by an altar-slab with the five crosses still visible, brought possibly from the abbey church when her remains were removed to St. Mary's at the Dissolution. The singular tomb of John Baret, who bequeathed a liberal endowment for a chantry in the lady chapel, claims notice ; the ceiling above is curiously ornamented with his monogram enclosed within a collar of SS., and the " reson " or motto — " Grace me Gouernc." The church, which had suffered much from violent storms in 1703 and 1766, and was in a very insecure condition, was repaired with much care by the late Mr. Cottingham. The font used previously to the restorations has been replaced by a new one ; it was covered by a canopy of richly carved oak ; the shaft, curiously sculptured with figures of animals, may be of the period when the church was erected, the bowl appears to be of later date, (see woodcut). It bears the arms of the town, of the see of Norwich, and of several Suffolk families. We must here close the brief notices of these contributions to the I.COITif^CHAM.JUN ■ OEi. JM/VREV!. THE OLD FONT topography of East Anglia. The lively interest in subjects of this nature, aroused by the influence of the Suflolk Institute of Archajology, under the auspices of their noble and accomplished President, presents the promising assurance that such labours will be cordially appreciated. On a future