Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/369

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RECENT HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. 309 in 1544 and 1547 ; On the Stone Vessels known in Seotliiiid as " Druidical Paterae " (with woodcuts) ; Scottish Raids into Northumberland ; On the Bayeux Tapestry ; On Ancient Terraces of Cultivation in Nortluunberland and Scotland ; Description of an Ancient Tomb found near Stonehaven ; Stone Circles in Scotland ; " Agricola's Camp," in Lancashire ; Notice of a Brass Seal with Heljrew Inscription, found near Edinburgli ; Stone Monuments of Asia compai'ed with those of Europe ; Recent Discovery of Roman Remains near the Antonine Wall ; The Encroachments of the Cymric upon the Gnelic branch of the early Celtic Population of North Britain ; Obsequies of James, second Kail of Murray ; "Examination of the Contents of an liermctically-sealod Glass Vessel from Pompeii ; Stone Cists containinj^ Urns, found in Banffshire ; Ancient Boat found in trie Clyde, &c. With Litho^raj)hs and Wood- cuts, comprising representations of the " Ballochyle Brooch," the Sepulchral Brass of the Regent Murray, the Chapter Seal of Urechin, Sepulchral Urns, &c. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Proceedings and Papers ; Sixth Session, 1 !!53 — 54, Svo. Amongst the contents are, — Synoptical view of the Britisli autho- rities on British history ; Notes, Historical and Ecclesiastical on the Cha])elry of Kirkby, Lancashire, and description of its Saxon ( '. ) font ; Shotwick Church and its Saxon foinidation ; Notices of British anticjuities, weapons, or implements of stone, &c. ; On the History of Naval Terms ; Notices and Evidences illustrative of the history of Liverpool, its manufactures, (Sec, with numerous lithographic illustrations, facsimiles of autograjjlis and wooilcuts ; Plan of Liverpool and the Pool, as they appeared in ICGO; Architectural subjects in LMncashire ; and a Coloured Plate representing a singular assemblage of diminutive objects, pottery, ornaments and play-things of a child, found in a Roman cemetery near Cologne. They are now in Mr. Mayer's Museum. The occurrence of such Roman crepuiidla in this country has been noticed by Mr. Neville in this Joui'nal, vol. X. p. 21. Camdrtan Aucn.EOLoGiCAL Association. — Archseologia Cambrensis, a Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches, and the Journal of the Association. No. 18, April, 1854. — Sketch of Roman Remains in Wales; List of Prehistoric Remains of Wales, arranged by counties ; Ecclesiastical Terms in Wales and Brittany ; Hereford- sliire under the Britons, Romans and Anglo-Saxons ; Descent of the Lordship of Abergavenny ; On the Permanence of Races in this country ; Druidical Circles and Roman Camp near Trecastle, Brecknockshire ; Church Notes in Radnorshire, &c., Svo. London : Longman. Tenby : R. Mason. Ireland. — Ulster Journal of Archaeology. Quarterly. Belfast : Archer ; London, J. Russell Smith, 4to. Annual Subscription, 12s. Contents of No. 6. — Bodley's Visit to CO. Down, 1602, and his campaigns in Ireland ; Excavations in Sepulchral Cairns m the north of Scotland, identical in design with the chambered Tumuli on the banks of the Boyne ; Relics of Antiquity at Youghal ; St. Collnm Ciile's Cro^s ; Proverbs in Ulster (continued). — No. 7. Alarshal Bagenal's Descriptions of Ulster, 1586 ; Ethnological Sketches ; The fishermen of the Claddagh, co. Galway ; Huguenot colony at Lisburn ; Discovery of Roman silver coins (1506 in number) with silver ingots and fragments, near Coieraine, accompanied by representations of the silver ornaments, &c., and catalogue of the coins ; Enamelled vessel of Limoges work, found in co. Down ; Antiquarian Notes, &c. Kilkenny and South-east of Ireland Archseological Society. Proceedings and Transactions, Januai-y, March, May, and July, 1854,. Vol iii. Part 1, comprising Memoirs on the Ormonde Money ; On the surrender of Ross Castle, Kiilarney ; Calendar of the Red Book of the Irish Exchequer, with a representation of the Court of Exchequer, in the reign of Henry IV. ; On the coin called St. Patrick's ; Unique pustoral stuff-head ; Runic Crosses of the Isle of Man,&c. Lithographs and Woodcuts. Annual Subscription to the Society, 5,'(. Subscription for Annual Volume of Original Documents, 10 s. Numismatic Chronicle, edited by J. Y. .kermaH, Sec. Soc. Ant., No. 64. — Unique crown-penny of Edw. IV., minted in Waterfox'd ; Coins of the Vandals in Africa ; Gold coins of Syracuse ; On the method of csisting coins in use among the ancient Britons ; Hoard of Roman coins found near Evenly, Northamptonshire, &c. — No. 65. — New coin of Beorchtric, king of East Anglia ; On Celto-Irish ring-money, with a descriptive catalogue ; On the bluiuleivd legends upon Anglo-Saxon coins ; On Pontefract sice- pieces ; On coins of Etheheil II.; On Roman coins and silver plate found near Coieraine, with a list of the coins, &c. J. Russell Smith, Svo, Quarterly. Remai.ns of Pagan Saxondom, prijicipally from Tumuli in England. Bv