Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/478

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4U MEETINGS OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. By Mr, W, J. Beuxiiard Smith. — Several stone weapons, Arc, coni- prisiiig a celt of cream-coloured flint, of the form found in many parts of Great Britain, the place of discovery not ascertained ; — a singular object of flint found at Pentrefoelas, Denbighshire ; it has been supposed that it may have been used as a flaying-knife, a purpose for which certain lamina; of stone found in Shetland liad, as it has been supposed, been iised. This implement, of a type hitherto, as we believe, unnoticed in this' country, measures 3;| in, by 2^^ in. (See woodcut.) A fine celt of green porphyry, (length 8. in.) with grooves at the sides at the blunt end, to facilitate attachment to the haft ; and a weapon of granular quartz, probably from the South Seas. — Two arrow-heads of flint, localities unknown ; and a broad bronze blade, found in Shropshire, givoji to Mr. Bcrnbard Smith by Mr. John Anstice of Madeley Wood, in that county. It is of a type rarely found in England, but Flint Implcuent. from Dcnbigl,slure. ^j^^; j^^ wCapOUS, USUally SOmCwbat CUrved, are found in Ireland. The blade was ailixed to a haft by four strong linm/c lilailc, rnuiwi in Slirniishirc. rivets, as shown in the woodcut. Length 12] in., greatest breadth 2 I inches. By the Rev. S. Banks. — A bronze blade, found at Mildcnhall. Cam- bridgeshire, length 10 in., pierced for two rivets, and of the class i>f weapons usually d(!scribed as daggers. A bronze spear-head, from Ballina, CO. .Mayo, lieiglit?', in. It boars much resemblanco to that rcproscnted in tlii.H volume, p. 2.'5]. Also four antique bronze spear-heads, obtained by Mr. Banks in China, where antiquities of bronze are in great estinuition.' Cntnlii;^!!!! of till- MiiHciiiii of tin- Ijopij'lioh of Aiitii|iiar)i'H, |). II. ' A voliiiiiiiiouH work liiiH l)ctMi |in)- fliiciil ill (liiiiii^ flcHcriliiii;; jiiitirniiliiH of all iliuiiM*, from d t;. 1700. It Ih I'lititluil " I'okii-tii,'" «r rinlos on Icnmcd Anti- <|iiiliiH. A lftrf,'u vjir'n ty of forms of v;iwH, inunical iimtniinciil.s, iiu'tallic iiiirrorH with iiiHci'i|itioiiH, niiil olijecttt uf III! kiiiilH iiiity iIktu bii fiiiinil.