Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/483

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RECENT HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. 419 it was engraved apparently by a workman ignorant of Saxon characters. Representations of the original seal have been given in Tindal's Hist, of Evesham, p. 142 ; Monast. Angl. by Caley, vol, ii. pi. 1. p. 13 ; Nash's Hist, of Worcestershire, vol. i. p. 396, and with greater accuracy in the Archaeologia, vol. xix. p. G8, pi. v., with a memoir by Sir F. Madden, who mentions the existence of this matrix now in Mr. Crump's possession. It was given to that gentleman, about fifty years since, at Worcester, with coins and other objects which had belonged to a collector in that city. Mr. Crump observes that there are reasons for supposing it to have been engraved in the time of the last Abbot, in imitation of the ancient seal, of somewhat smaller size. The date of the original seal was considered by Sir. F. Madden to be early in the XVth century.^ For the exhibition of this curious matrix we are indebted to Mr. Evelyn Shirley. By Mr. J. Greville Ciiesteu. — Seal of JohnBagot, an impression from a silver matrix in possession of Lord Bagot, at Blithfield. It bears an escutcheon of the arms of Bagot — a chevron between three martlets, with helm, lambrequins, and crest, namely a goat's head. — ^igtllu : iofii I bagot : anntg'. An engraving of this seal is given in Lord Bagot's Memorials of his family. — Impression from a brass matrix found in August last, at Bungay, Suffolk, and now in the possession of Mr. G. Baker, of that town. It is circular, and bears an escutcheon of arms — three cinquefoils pierced, a quarter; with helm and crest, a swan's head and neck between erect wings. Two kneeling wodewoses, or wild men, support the escutcheon and helm. — ^, tJfnt^ tJC U Ijamesgc. Date, the latter part of the XVth century. I^istorical rnnti ^rtfjarologicnl ^publications.— Jporcfgn. Spicilegium Solesmense. — Complectena SS. Patrura auctorumque Ecclesiasticorum anecdota hactenus opera public! juris facta, &c. 4to, Didot. The first volume of this important collection, edited by the Benedictines of the Abbey of Solesmes, has recently appeared. It will form two series, each of five volumes, with historical notices and dissertations. Revue ARCHfeoLOGiQUE. — Paris, 8vo. Vol. XI., livr. 1. April, 1854.— Monuments Egyptiens du Nahr-el-Kelb ; Les frontons du Parthenon ; Examen d'un M^moire posthume de M. Letronne ; Inscription Romaine trouvee en Provence ; De la m^decine chez les anciens Egyptiens, &c. — Livr. 2. Notice sur Ahmds, dit Pensouvan, 17° et Hi" dynasties Egyptiennes ; Les frontons du Parthenon ; Poids des villes du midi de la France ; Autel votif conservd dans I'dglise de la Madeleine dans les Pyrenees ; Crdation d'uue Commission des Monuments historiques a Vienne (Autriche) &c. — Livr. 3, Memoire posthume de M. Letronne ; Sur le rhythme d'un chueur du Cyclope d'Euripide ; Donation du XIP Siecle (sculptured tympanum of a door at Mervillers, in the diocese of Chartres) ; Horloge publique a Angers en 1384 ; Bas- relief Gallo-Romain de Longe-porte a Langres (representation of a four-wheeled car) ; Medaille de Goric IV. roi de I'Albanie ; Poids des Villes du midi de la France ; Tablettes historiques enduites de cire conserve'es aux Archives de TEmpire, &c., — Liv. 4; He d'Egine, temple de Jupiter Panlielk'nien ; I'Agora d'Athenes ; Les Bellitani (Pline, Hist. Nat.) La Rose de Jericho ; R^'table d'or de la Cathcdrale de Bale, &c. — Livr. 5 ; L' Agora d'Athenes (Map); Ornementation d'une Maison de Strasbourg du XVI^ sii'cle ; La Comraanderie de Saint-Jean de Latran, &c., a Paris (representations of incised tombs) ; Bas-relief Gallo-Romain du Mus^e de Strasbourg; Inscription ducou- verte pres de Be'ziers, &c. — Livr. (! ; Les Oiseaux de Diomede ; Recettes Mcdicales, traduites d'un fragment Egyptieu ; He d'Egine ; Emploi des quarts de ton dans le 1 See further remiirks by Sir F. Madden part i. pp. 310, 392; and part ii. p. on the Evesham Seals, Gent. Mag. vol. c. 319. VOL. XI. 3 I