Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/57

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very far away: entreat for me;" whilst Aaron (speaking for Moses), after assenting to his earnest request, concluded with these words of caution, "But let not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the Lord." It may be remarked that the flies surround Pharaoh alone, filling the air above him and crawling upon the ground beneath his feet, whilst Moses and Aaron, although close to him, and absent from their favoured Goshen, still enjoy immunity from the plague tormenting the guilty king, not one fly approaching them.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 11, 0057.png

3. The Division of the Red Sea.

No. 3 (as the legend informs us) represents the Division of the Red Sea. Moses is seen stretching out his rod over its waters, which are in a troubled state, resulting from the strong east wind passing over them, and the dry passage through their bed is in the act of formation. Whilst the