Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/144

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lU ANCIENT rORTKAITUHES OF OUK LOKD. emerald the Emperor of the Turks afterwards gave out of the Treasury of Constantinople to Pope Innocent Vlll. for the redemption of his brother taken captive by the Christians," On the lower margin of the plate is inscribed, — " Drawn from an ancient ta})estry in the possession of the publisher, 3[r. Sam. Bagster, Paternoster Row." The plate was acci- dentally destroyed, as I was informed by Mr. J. Bagster, in 1851 ; he stated that the tapestry had been in his father's possession. An inferior reproduction of the print above described has subsequently been in the market. Of pre- cisely the same type, and probably from one of the engrav- ings above mentioneil. a small oval photograph has been recently taken, entitled, "A true likeness of our Saviour," and stated as above to have been from the emerald. •' It will be noticed that here the alleged origin of the gem as having been derived from the ancient treasury of the Empire of the East, a fact not found in any of the inscriptions on the numerous j)aintcd portraitures, described in the present notices, is found to be asserted on the representation of this interesting relic of ancient textile art in Mr. Bagster's possession. AVith these reproductions of the profile portraiture may be mentioned an old painting on panel, possibly from a (lifferent type, which in 1S55 was in possession of Mr. Ivors] ake, a well-known bookseller at Bristol ; it was a half- length portrait inscribed thus : — "This pictur is the similitude of our Lord Jesus Clii-ist as he did walke upon the earth, and was .sent by Publius Lcntullus to Tiberius Claudius Enijierour of Home under whom Christ did suller." Didron, in his Icoiogra})hie Clii'/tienne, it may be remend)ored, observes that Constantino had causo<l j»ortraits of the Saviour to be painted, aft(;r the do.scription given hv Lintulus, whose remaikable epistle, alleged to have boon adlrossed to the Senate, will there be found.' The learned l'-ibricius informs

  • ThU photograph mny probnUy hnvo iiiontinn of iIk- cinorald given to the

Ijfcn rcproiliiccd from a miikiII fulio m- I'opn. Londun, putjliHliod July 0, 1SG9, gra'ifi;(, pidfliMlie<l hkiuc yi-.-irn ago liy liy Willinin I,iu-.ih and C"., 17, (jrcat MfMMrH. McLean. Moru n'<;<ntly a U^aii- r«>rtlanil Strout. tifiil plato liax }»con exoniNil, lliat «p% ' Didron, lc(»n()gra|ihio. j». 220. See [Minro U) r<*prrMlii(^) tho iM-aiitifid type nf nlno Pabriciim, (Jodi'x Apocrj'pliuH Novi the tajxrHtry in Uchhih. liagxtcr'M pnnMi-M- Ti'Ht-iMu'nti, j). 30'_' ; llainlmrgi, 17il!). A nion. Tho lniHt in in an oval compart- trunHlation will lio found in MrH. Jamo- mi^nt, Hiirroiindod l»y an «rlalioral4! franm hou'h llintory «)f Our Lord, V4)|. i. p. ;{.'», fif ornartK-nLal work, rni-OHiiring 1'] in. liy Mi. Kiii^ mcntioni'd tliin [topnlar It'guiid. }l. I!un<;itli in writlun, "Tho Only Arch. Jonrn., vol. xxvii. p. I>i5. Tnio rortrnitun*/' Ac, with tho imua!