Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/314

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£G0 EXPLORATIONS IN IJOME. iiudei' the Capitol. The houses on that side seem to be all built on the lccl<2;c of the tufa rock. 4. In the northern part of the street outside of the ridge. Here are brick avails of the time of Trajan, under the present houses, and a tufa wall at the southern end of the pit under Xo. 81 D. This appeared to be the end of the tufa Avail, Avith a vaulted chamber built up against it, belonging to the Forum of Trajan. jIarblc columns have also been found at the same place. Apparcntlj/ the houses on both sides of the A'ia di Marforio are built on the old tufa wall in this part. This is only a short distance to the south of the tomb of Bibulus. The Vicolo di 3rarforio turns off to the east, just outside of the site of the supposed line of the old tufa wall, which crosses the street, and makes it almost impassable for carriages. This ridge was ascertained, as Ave expected, to be caused by the agger and Avail of the kings passing under the street at this point. Outside of the Avail to the north, Ave found by the difference of level that avc Avere in the great fosse, part of the Forum of Trajan being made in it, of which there are remains in the cellars of the houses on the eastern side of the street. On the ridge Ave found the connection of the Avail of the kings Avith the foot of the rock of the Capitoline Hill, under a house Avhich had been rebuilt a few jTars since ; and Signor Visconti had told me that he had seen this Avail there, Init he called it the wall of Servius Tullius, but the construction shows it to be Ijcforohis time. It is the beginning of the Avail that enclosed the Hill of .Saturn and the Palatine in one cih/. The arch of Trajan stood in the line of this Avail at the south end of the Forum, jn-obably on the site of an old gate. After crossing the great fosse, the Avail arrives at the foot of the (^uirinal Hill, and then turns to the I'ight or south as far as tiie Torre dei ConLi, Avhich Avas biult in the middle ages upon an (jld tower of tufa at that angle oi" the second city of liome. I'artofthis wall at the foot of the (^uirinal was used to unclose that side of the P'oi'um of Augnstus, but Avas certainly built before that time, it was used because it stood there, and it would ikjI j-ay t(. carry it away, for it Avould have cost as much to move these great stones, each a ton weight, as to bring othei's from the (|uarry. Dooi-Avay arches Avere cut through the Avall, ciliicr in the lime oi" A ugu.stus (»r during the Kejiublic, piobably IIk' latter, as the (»ne that remains