Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/400

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platform, about 3S yards diameter, slightly raised above the marsh, and surrounded by a ditch. Beyond this ditch there is, on the north-east front another enclosure with its ditch, and the canal seems to have been carried through something of the same character. All this looivs as though there was an earlier fortification of earth and timber, probably the seat of the Saxon Odo, of whom nothing is known or surmised but his name.

There are no traces of any other masonry than the tower, and if it stood alone this would account for the otherwise marvellous exploit, of the castle having been held out by thirteen men for many days against the Dauphin's army. Of course, the extent of wall Avhich so small a garrison could defend would be very limited, but with a tower such as Odiham, well victualled, an<l a fire-proof door, an army, especially if unprovided with mining tools or military engines, as with an invading force would not be improbable, could do but little. Nevertheless, some of the records relative to the Castle indicate other buildings besides the tower, though all traces of them are now gone.

Odiham has no history before the time of Domesday. That it was the seat of a Saxon lord is to be inferred from its name, though some authoiities re|)udiate " Odo " and his " Ilame," and substitute for him Woodyham, Oodyham, Odiham, an etymology no doubt a]>plicable enough to the district. In Domesday King Villiam is recorded as holding Odiliam in demesne; Karl Harold had held it. It is twice mentioned in that record and was in the hundreds of Edefeleand Bermesplet, though a hundred of Odiham is also named. Nothing is said of a Castle, nor does the name of the Bishop of Winchester, to whom it has usually been attributed, occur, cither tlicn or afterwards, in connection with the lordship, borough, or Castle. Among the royal tenants occur certain '* Taini regis," who were represented in the reign of Edward 1. by the " Homines et sokenianni regis," who then had common of pasture in Odiham.

Richard I. held Odiliam. in the first year of his reign certain pa^'mcnts arc entered upon the Pipe Bolls of the Kxc)ic(iucr connected with it. Bogcr filz Benfrid accounted for 20.V. for a cowhouse or vaccary then^ ; W'm. de Beiul, fi)r lOO.v. ; and the sherifi' accounted for 1 'Jr/. fi.j- held by Richarddo Bollos. The town also fined 'Jo.v. {'uy a iinn(l(M'.