Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/510

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423 INDEX. Sidmouth, Devon, pottery from High Peak, 96. Smirke, Sir E.,his remarks on the account of the block of tin droiged up iu Fahuouth harbour, 95. Smith, Mr. W. H. ikrnhanl, exhibits iron axehead, found in the Thames, 96 ; armour from Constantinople, and wheel-lock pistols, 187. Soden-Smith, Mr. H. H., his remarks on early Christian rings, 187; exhibits seal of John, Lord Fleming, and fragmenta of Samiau ware, found ntiiir Castor, Northampton, 279. Souersetsuike: — account of a copper matrix bearing the Holy Lamb, found at Bristol, 361, 365. Southampton, annual meeting at, pre- Uminaries of, 99 ; report of, 368. Southwestern portion of England, Ad- dress on the history of, by the Lord Henry Scott, M.P., 212. Si'AlN : — the province of Murcia, letter relating to the discovery of objects of archieological interest at Yecla in, and their proposed sale. 94 ; Christian antiquities found in, 199. Sparvel-l'ayly, Mr. J. A., exhibits Roman potterv found at West Tilbury, tjjsex, 187, 274. Stanley, the Hon. W. 0., M.P., exhibits Uomau cake of copper found at Amlwch, Anglesea, la9, 194. Stanwix, near Carlisle, cameo found at, 26., objects of :— implement of flint found in the Isle of Wight, 278,279; found at Bournemouth, Hants, 279; objects of flint found near Whitby, Yorkshire, 280. Suffolk : — mural painting iu Bramford church, 194. SuKiiET : — memoir on Guildford Castle, 1 ; notes on the site of the Palace of Kensington, 1 60 ; memoir on the church of St. Mary, Guildford, 170 ; proposed excursion to Guildford, 250 ; report of excursion to, 'iG>i. Hwitzeulamj: — Notes on Roman brotizoa and other relics found at liaden, iu Aargau, 189, 312. Symi, island of, in the Modlterrancon, gunJi found at, 99. T. Tcntim<nt, the Lambnth Ma/.irine, noted on, 24 J, 27.'). TowkfJtbury, m-nl found near, 291. 7'hkmo4, iron axe heiul found in tlu!, 00. TburnAm, I)r., communicaleM discovery of unui ftt DoVilinU, Dorset, 286, 291. Tiberius, Antonia wife of Drusus, brother of the Kmperor, see Antoiiia. Tilbury, West, see West Tilbury. Tite, Sir William, C.B., M.P., exhibits MS. Testament, and early printed Bibles, &c., 274. TregelLas, Mr. W. H., his remarks on medical recipes, 186. Tremouille, Charlotte de la, Countess of Derby, signet of, 103. Trevanion, Cornwall, deed of feofifment of land at, 188. Turkey : — armour from Constantinople, 187,193. Tyrone county, Ireland, "notes" on a fibula found at Omagh, 275. U. Ugolino, sculpture representing the story of, 289. fpton Pyne, near Exeter, "incense cup" from, 96. Venables, the Rev. E., his memoir on the Alien Priories in the Isle of Wight and their seizure liy Edward the First, 230. Venus, bronze figure of, from Benha, in Lower lgyi>t, 97. Vermuth, Christian, medallion in enamel by, with ])ortrait of Frederick Augustus 111., Elector of Saxony, &c., 363. Vinci, Pierino da, notes on (eiTa colta sculpture by, 289. W. Wales :— bronze object found at Llantwit Major, Glamorgan, 99 ; atldress to 11. R. II. the Prince of, on his recovery, 188; reply thereto, 189; Roman cake of copper found at Amlwch, Angh-sea, 1 69, 194 ; excavations at Cardiir C;islle, 198; Llantrissaiut borough charter, 3.'>1. Way, .Mr. Albert, his " Notes" on a sculp- tured (inure found in EnsUui church, Hampshire, 91 ; his memoir on ancient jiortraitures of our Lord, after the type of the emerald Ver- nicle in tiie Vatican, 101», IKl ; con- tril>ali'H " Notes " on an luiiipie im- plement of flint found in the Isle of Might, 278, 279 ; his nottm on a copper matrix of the Ibjjy Lanjb found at i'.ristol, 361. Wcsttnacott, Profe<>sor, h'm remarks on