Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 3.djvu/409

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An Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England. By Thomas Rickman, Architect. Fourth edition. 8vo.

A History of all the Principal Styles of Architecture. By Edward Boid, Esq. Second edition. 12mo.

The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture. By Matthew Holbeche Bloxam. Eighth edition. 12mo.

Aunt Elinor's Lectures on Architecture. 12mo.

Anglican Church Architecture. By James Barr, Architect. Third edition. 12mo.

A Manual of Gothic Architecture. By F. A. Paley, M.A. 12mo.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 3, 0409.png


Gothic Architecture was so long the favourite region of the imagination, where poetry and romance held undisputed sway, that a violent opposition might naturally be expected to any attempt to reduce it to the ordinary level of a science, to apply the rule and compass to it, and to trace its gradual progress step by step from the decay of Roman art to the glorious development of the complete Gothic; and though truth will prevail in the end, its progress under such circumstances was sure to be slow, and frequently thrown back for a season. The character of the extraordinary man whose genius first reduced this chaos into order, was not calculated to diminish the violence of his opponents, and the accidental circumstance of his having been brought up a quaker was perhaps likely to add to the prejudice against his system. Yet perhaps this very circumstance, and the habit engendered by it, of well weighing his words before he com-