Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/151

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OF THE MONASTERY OF ST. GALL. 109 which the whole of the servants belonging to the monastery find their entrance into the establishment, " Tola monaderio famulantum, hie turha subinfref." Residence of the Almoner. " Pausatio procuratoris pauperum!' The apartment of the almoner (also called the hospitilarius) abuts on the south wall of the church, is furnished with a stove, has a door leading outwards and another opening into the church, and corresponds with the apartment of the p)orlarlus on the north side of the church. HospiTiuM FOR Monks visiting the Monastery. " Susapfiofratnim supervenientiumy The hospitium for stranger monks, provided in accordance with the regulations in the 61st chapter of the rules of the order of St. Benedict, is opposite to the outer school, and abuts on the north wall of the church. It consists of two apartments, one of which has an outlet into the north transept of the church, and is furnished with a stove and side benches; the other room is a dormitory with stove, beds, benches, &c. The Dwelling of the Physicians. " Domus medicormn." The residence of the physicians is situated, together with the botanical garden, in the north-east corner of the monas- tery. It is separated from the blood-letting-house by a wall or fence, and has no direct communication with the infirmary oj)posite. On the east side is the physician's private room, '" iiia/isio mcdici ipnius"^ with a stove, &c. Adjoining to this is the repository for his drugs and medicaments, "aruiarium jJif/- iiK'iitormiiy On the west side of the building is the apartment of those who are dangerously ill, '■'■ cubkuhnn vahle i/ifrtuoruin," arranged in a manner similar to the physician's private room. It is probable that this house was used for the reception of patients attacked by infectious disorders. The situation of

  • In the paupers' bakehouse, which is exactly like this, the same room is inscribed

" locus cotispergeiidi." VOL. V. Q