Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/465

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A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND. 343 V r annexed fig^ure of a female head taken from a marble group, which was found at Apt in the south of France." p. 14. " Amphorae. The most important employment of the amphora was for the preservation of wine. The following woodcut taken from a painting on the walls of a house at Pompeii represents the mode of filling the amphora from a wine cart." p. 90. An amphora, of this precise form, found at Lindsell, Essex, is preserved in the interesting local museum at Saifron Walden. A History of Architecture ix England. By George AylifFe Poole, M.A., Vicar of Wellbrd. London, 1848. The want of a good History of Architecture in England has long been acknowledged and felt. Rickman's work is invaluable as far as it goes, and for what it professes to be, " An Attempt to discriminate the Styles of Archi- tecture in England." Until this preliminary step had been gained, any endeavour- to write a history must necessarily have failed. The Chrono- logical Table in the Companion to the Glossary is in fact the skeleton of a history of architecture. Mr. Poole has availed himself freely of these and other aids, making frequent reference to this Journal and to the annual