Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/486

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360 INDEX. Matrices of seals, materials of, 7 Mauleverer, sepulchral brass of, 67, 68 Medieval Brick-work, 34—40 Maimers, Chivalry, and Costume, Il- lustrated from Original Documents, 258 Melton Constable, MS. at, 258 Mewi, W. De, (or Meavy,) charter of, 57 Milward, A., on the Norman Keep-towers of Coningsburgh and Richmond, 41 Monumental effigy inConington Church, Hunts., 146 •Monumental slabs in Northumberland and Du'hara, 253 Moore, Lady Harriet, exhibits a brass instru- ment found at Fritteuden, 161 Mortaine, John Earl of, c. 1170, his seal, 3 •Moulded bricks, medieval, 34, 37, 38, 39

  • Mouliliugs at Elephanta, 182

Moultrie, BIr. Gerard, opening of a tumulus at Ryton-upon-Duusmoor by, 217 Anglo-Roman remains com- municated by, 328 Mounts in medieval gardens, 310 •Mull, Druidical circle in the Isle of, 217 •Mural paintings in the Church of Ditchiug- ham, 69 N. •Newbigging, Northumberland, sepulchral slab at, 253 grave-stone at, 256

  • Newcastle, sepulchral slabs at, 253

Neville, Hon. R. C, discoveries by, 227 Nightingale, Mr. 13,, exhibits a silver reliquary, 166 Norman keep-towers, 41 • masonry, examples of, 38 style of architecture not established until towards the close of the eleventh century, 344 Northampton, Historical Memorials of, noticed, 78 Northumberland, sepulchral slabs in, 253 Norwich Archaeological Societj', 167 Oakham, the hall at, 124; principal entrance, 132; elevation of east end of, 140; *capitals, ib.; •corbel, ib. ; •ground plan of, 141 ; •sec- tion of arches, 132; •window, exterior, 136; •window, interior, 126 Obscure words in Charters, by E. Srairke, 20, 1 18 , (fee, explained, 273 Ordinary of Arms, suggestions for an improved one, 10 Orford, C. W., on crosses near Stockport, 337 Original Documents, 258 Orkneys, the, architecture of, 351 Orlubar, A. B., On the influence of a Parabolic IMoulding upon the Buddhist Architecture of Western India, 173 Ornaments and Appliances of Sacred use, 201 Oxgange of corn, 318 Parabolic Bloulding, iu the Buddhist Architecture of Western India, 173 Parken, Mr. Henry Montague, exhibits a revolv- ing steel seal, 163 Parker, J. H., on Domestic Architecture, 311

  • Paten, from Chewton Mendip, Somerset, 331

Peak Castle, Derbyshire, *South view, 208; •East side, 212; *West side, interior, ib.; •Herring-bone work, 214 Pears cultivated in England in the thirteenth century, 300 '■ at Wardon, Beds, 301 Personal Seals during the Middle Ages, 1 Petit's Description of Tewkesbury Abbey, notice of, 347 Peverell's Castle in the Peak, 207 ; *West view, 208; *Head of door, 216; Plans, ib. •Pilff, example of Roman, 28 Pillar at Elephanta, 177

  • at Kenneri. •Parabolic Emblem, 175

Pins dropped in ancient wells, 221 •Plenty, terra-cotta figure of, 236 Pocklington, Yorkshire, palimpsest slab at, 337 Poole's History of Architecture, notice of, 343

  • Postern at Coningsburgh, 46

Priory Church at Christchurch, Hants, rood- screen at, 142 Privy seal or secretum, 2, 5 •Punch and Judy, notice of a Medieval Mimic entertainment resembling, 198 Q.

  • Quern, Anglo- Roman, found near Rugby, 329

Quy, Quy-stirk,a heifer, 319 R. Redcar, the Visitor's Guide to, reviewed, 168 •Reliquary in silver found in St Dunstan's Church-yard, 166 •Reliquary of gold found near Devizes, 156 Richmond, Yorkshire, Norman keep-tower at, 41 Rickman's Gothic Architecture, noticed, 82 • with inscription, 65, 159 • in imitation of two bands or ribbands, 160 • , gold, of twisted pattern, 155 • discovered at Cadbury Castle, 195 •" Money, "examples of, 218 •Rings with beads or knobs, 63, 64