Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/351

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€f)t arrl^aeologiral Journals SEPTEMBER. 1849. ON THE ROMAN ROADS, CAMPS, AND OTHER EARTHWORKS, BETWEEN THE TEES AND THE SWALE, IN THE NORTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. The district of Yorkshire, situated between the Tees and the Swale, between Darhngton on the north, and Richmond on the south, was one of the most important mihtary positions occupied by the Romans in the north of Britain. It is in this district that the great Roman road, which may be traced through the county in a continuous hue, from Don- caster to Catterick, separates into two branches, one of which, passing by Greta Bridge and Bowes, proceeded to Carhsle (Luguvallium), the other crossing the Tees at Pierse Bridge, was continued to Newcastle (Pons JElii). These two lines of communication, by which the south of England was thus connected both with the eastern and western extre- mity of the Roman Wall, may be still very clearly traced, from their point of divergence a httle north of Catterick, throughout the whole of their course northward through Yorkshire ; and the site and scale of the camps by which they were defended are most clearly indicated by the remains at Catterick, Greta Bridge, Pierse Bridge, and Bowes. ^ The extent, the preservation, and the historical importance of these monuments of Roman occupation, well deserve the study of the archaeologist ; but this part of Yorksliire has other special claims on his attention. 1 Tho maps to which the following ob- William Lawson, as well as from his local servationa refer, were made at the desire knowledge ; from those of Mr. Giljviu of of the Duke of Northumberland, under the Sudbury ; from the Tithe Maps under the direction of Mr. C. Newton, of the Depart- care of the Vcn. Archdeacon lleadlam, ment of Antiquities, British Museum. and the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Great advantages were derived from the Richmond. In the derivation of names use of maps in possession of his Grace, .ind of places, assist.ance was rendered by of the Earl of Zetland; from those of Sir Mr. Just, of Hiu-y, Lancashire. VOL. VI, a G