Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/529

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NOTICES OF REMAINS OF ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHITECTURE IN NORFOLK, SUPPOSED TO BE OF THE SAXON PERIOD. nv THE REV. JOHN GUNN, M. A., RECTOR OF IRSTEAD. '# 8t. Andrew's, T'ramlingham Pigot. When the Archaeological Institute held its Meeting at Norwich, I availed m3"self of that opportunity to submit to the Society an account of some ancient remains in the tower and north wall of the church of Beeston St. Lawrence, in Norfolk. My object was to obtain information respecting their date, a point on which I was unable to satisfy myself. They were, apparently, of Saxon character, but still such as are occasionally found in later buildings. Besides, it appeared to me most probable that the peculiarities of Saxon architec- ture were not laid aside at once at the Conquest, and that in districts exposed to hostile incursions, churches continued to be built on the Saxon type as before, with narrow windows placed higli in the walls, and adapted for the purposes of security and defence. These considerations inclined me to doubt the antiquity of such remains ; but I have since observed several similar remnants of ancient churches, which convince me that Saxon