Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/628

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446 INDEX. 404; slab inlaid with a brass cross, at Eversley, 406. Harlech, corporation seal, 403. Harrison, Mr., jet seal exhibited by, 405. Hart, Mr. Thomas, ancient deeds in his col- lection, 280. Hartlepool, Saxon cemetery at, 135. Hartshorxe, Rev. C. H., his survey at Caernarvon Castle, 98. Hatfield, Mr., his notice of tomb of John de Belewe, at Thorpe Arch, 194. Hawkins, Mr., notice of local custom at Congleton, 181 ; objects of carved ivory exhibited by, 407. , Mr. Kohde, Moorish vessels of metal exhibited by, 296. Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire, collection of MSS. from, exhibited, 190. Head, mmiatux-e, female, of bronze, found at Weycock, 121. Heart, represented in the hands of monu- mental effigies, at Gonalston, Notts, 10 ; various examples of, 355. Heck, Gerhart de, engraver, 416. Hedgehog, canting coat of the Heriz family, 5. Hempstead church, Gloucestershire, notice of, 43. Henah, at Stauwick, supposed place of Dniid worship, 338. Heraldry, arms of Heriz of Swillington, Notts, 6 ; of UfFord, de Norwich, and Vescy, 66 ; of Warde of Guiselcy and of Keighley, Yorkshire, 79; of the Corvesors' Guild at Oxford, 159, 279 ; of Amadis of Pljmiouth, 181. Herculaueum, celts from, 378. Heriz family, of Swillington, tombs of, 5. Hereford, the Dean of, ancient keys of the close at Hereford exhibited by, 199. Herefordshire. Notices of brasses at Ledbury and Ludford, 293; Roman remains at Kentchester, 404; Garway church noticed, 435. Herring-bone construction, of brick, at Cot- tishall, Norfolk, 362. Heryghes, William de, grant of land in London by, 281, 395. HERTFOKDSIIIlli:. Gold armillse discovered at St. Alban's, &c., 407; Roman remains at St. Alban's, 406 ; brasses at Digswell and Tewin, 293. Heslington Moiuit, near York, 27. Hewett, Mr., exhibits hair-cloth from tomb in Temple church, 190; armom- and arms, 292; his memoir on an effigy at Mmster chui'ch, 351. Hexham, Northumberland, momuticntal slab at, 178. HiLLAuy, Sir Augustus, silver seal in his possession, 413. Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, notice of, 97. HoARE, Sir R. C, his observations on the urn of Bronwen, 237. , Mr. Edward, gold ring found in Ireland, in his museum, 58; gold Irish ornament communicated by, 60 ; virn from Cairn Thierna, 191 ; bronze en- graved celt, 410; observations on sup- posed use of poisoned weapons by the Celtic Irish, ib. Hollis, Mr. Thomas, his collections, now in Mr. Disney's museum, 83. Holyhead, sepulchral urns found near, 226. Hooper, Mr., Greek triptych, found at Harwich, communicated by, 182. Horn-books of XVIIth century, exhibited by Mr. Westwood, 295. Horse, diminvitive figvrres of, on medieval tombs, 13. buried in tumuli with human re- mains, 107; eaten by the Anglo-Saxons and Northci-n ti'ibes, 135. Hospital of Brodbuske, Notts, 5, 11. House, Roman, arrangements of, as shown at Ickleton, 19. How Hill, Yorkshire, near Catterick, 346. Howbury camp, Yorkshire, described, 340. Humboldt, his analysis of ancient mixed metals, 75. Hunter, Rev. J., notices of engravers of sepulchral brasses, 195; Italian seals in his possession, 199; observations on the seal of Milton, 200. HussEY, Rev. Arthur, his ^jroposed illustra- tions of ecclesiastical antiquities of Sussex, 99. Hutchings, Mr., seal of Coynraet Van Campe, exhibited by, 292. Hypocausts, at Chesterford, 15, 23 ; ves- tiges of, near Reigate, 289; at Bowes, 350. Iceland, copper ewer, in form of a lion, in the church at Vatusfiord, 286 ; imple- ment like a celt used in, 370. Ickleton, Roman remains at, excavated by the Hon. R. Neville, 15 ; coins foimd there, ib. ; implements of u-ou, various, found at, 20 ; pins of bone, tesserse, combs, &c., 17; whetstone, 198; Church field at, 19. Iford church, Sussex, noticed, 140. Ikenild-strect, notice of, 18, 323. Illuminated MSS., exhibited by Rev. C. Sydenham, 190; by Major Macdonald, 72 ; by Mr. Allies, 295. Illumination ot MSS., notices regarding, 66. Impresi, devices of tiie Chcv. Bayard, 180. Incense, pyx for holding, in Mr. Disney's museum. 84.