Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/630

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448 THDEX. Lane, Mr. H. Bowyer, his I'eport on a Roman cemetery discovered at Col- chester, 183 ; directs the raising of mosaics at Cirencester, 396 ; report on excavation at Silbury, 395. Largo, Fifeshire, gold armillre fomid at. 53; silver ornaments found in a tumulus, 248. Latener, a worker in brass. 68. Latten dishes, collection of, exhibited hj Octavius Morgan, Esq., 295. Law, a hill or tumulus, 258. Lawson, Sir W., Bart., Samian ware orna- mented with a cross, from his collec- tion, 81 ; antiquities in his possession, 216 ; powder flask of stag's horn, curi- ously carved, exhibited by, 292 ; seal of Adam de Bretel, exhibited by, 291. Leaden fonts, 159, 162. Lean, Mr. A., embroidery exhibited by, 183. Leather, implements of bronze suited for cutting, 384. Ledbury, sepulchral brasses at, 293. Lee, Rev. T. F., notices of Roman remains at St. Alban's, 306. Leeds, antiquities, from a museum, formerly there, exhibited, 401. Leeming lane, ancient way, Yorkshire, 346. Leicesteeshire. Seal of St. Leonard's hospital, Leicester, 73; brass of Sir Robert Staunton, 91 ; local dialect, glossary of, by Dr. Evans, noticed, 310 ; gold coin found at Hallaton, 403. Leigh, Surrey, sepulchral brasses there, 78. Lewes, Sussex, sepulchral brasses in St. Michael's church, 293. Lewses, the, Cu-encester, Roman remains fovmd at, 325, 333. Lich gate, at Stanley St. Leonard, 45. Lichfield, seal of the Dean and Chapter, 198. Lincolnshire. Bronze pyx and Roman remains at Lincoln, 71 ; Roman urns, described by Sir Jos. Banks, 111 ; British urns found near Wold Nowton, 184 ; se- pulchi'al cist at Roth well, 1 95 ; the gad-whii3 at Caistor, notice of, 239 ; ancient ornaments found at Caistor, 188; font at Bourne church, 290; Roman mscription found at Lincoln by Mr. Trollope, 289; celts and implements from Lincoln, in the York museum, 408. Lingficld, Sun-ey, sepulchral effigy of glazed tiles, 176. Lion-sha]ied ewers, found in Scotland, 285. Liverpool, seal of, 189. Llanarmon, Denbighshire, corona lucis and tombs tliero, communicated by Mr. W. W. Wynne, 402. Llangwynhoydyl church, inscription at. 176. Llantony Abbey, chapel over a well be- longing to, near Gloucester, 43. Lock, scutcheon plate for, bearing Arabic numerals, at Rendcombe, 291. Long, Mr. Charles, sepulchral slabs from Greystoke, communicated by, 178,406. Long, Mr. R., mould for sacred oi-naments, found on his estates at Dunston, Nor- folk, 182. Lundin, stones of, Fifeshire, 258. M. Macdonald, Major, silver ornaments from Inchkenneth exhibited by, 72. Maclauchlan, Mr., his memoir on Roman roads, camps and earthworks in York- shire, &c., 213, 335. Maclean, Rev. H., Roman coins from Cais- tor, Lincolnshire, communicated by, 188 ; notice of sepulchi-al cists at Rothwell church, 195; bronze fibulae and ornaments found at Caistor, exhi- bited by, 411. Madoc, Jorverth ap, seal of, 296. Madrid, Phoenician antiquities at, 69. Maiden, for executions, Edinburgh, 206. Maiden Castle, near Reeth, Yorkshire, de- scribed, 344. Majendie, Mr., chapter seal of Lichfield, found in Suffolk, communicated by, 198. Malvern, Great, coins found at, 191. Man, Isle of, bronze spear found there, 390. Manning, Rev. C. R., documents relatifig to Mettingham College, communicated by, 62 ; seal found at Terrington, Nor- folk, 199. Manor-house at Stanley Pontlai-ge, 40. Manners and Customs of the Greeks, notice of, 420. Mantell, Dr., gold ring, found in Sussex, in his Museum, 58 ; bronze pyxes, from Lewes, in his possession. 72. Manual of sepulchral slabs and crosses, by Rev. C. L. Cutts, notice of, 315. Manuscripts fi-om monastery of Hayles, exhibited by Rev. C. Sydenham, 190. Masham, Yorkshire, gold ornament found at, 61. Mathraval, Montgomeryshire, Rofuan re- mains found neai-, 399. Matrices of seals, leaden, found at Tremeir- chion, 73, 296 ; of silver, a privy seal of singular construction, 77 ; of silver, the seal of St. James's Priory, Exeter, 181 ; chapter seal of Lichfield, found in STiffolk, 198 ; of brass, Adam de Bretel. 291 ; of brass, found in Lamel Hill, 35. See Seal. Mazer, inscribed, exhibited by Mr. Tagg,189. Meare, Somerset, fish-house of abbots of Glastonlmrv at, 409.