Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/632

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450 INDEX. 159; compared with supposed Saxon work, 362. Norries' Law, tumulus in Fifesliire, sUver ornaments found, 249. North Waltham, Hants, Roman remains at, 194. Northern antiquities, observations on their classification, 106. Northumberland, his Gi'ace the Duke of, African i-ing-money in his collection, 56; maps of ancient vestiges in York- shire, prepared by his orders, 225. Northwood, family in Kent, supposed monu- ment of, 357. Norway, bronze lion-shaped ewers there, 285. Norwich, St. Julian's church, noticed, 362. Nosbui'y Rings, Hants, entrenchment, 399. N0TTINGHAM.SHIRE. Sepulchral effigies at Gonalston, de- scribed, 7 ; Roman urn found at Flintham, 85 ; singiilar effigy of an ecclesiastic at Gedling, 316. Notary, symbols of, 413. Numerals, Arabic, early use of, 291. Nutcrackers, ancient carved, exhibited by Mr. Westwood, 295. 0. Obscure words in charters. &c. in West of England, explained, 164, 393. Octagonal Roman building at Weycock, Berks, 118. Ogofau, Carmarthenshire, Roman mine there, 55. Oliver, Rev. Dr., on British urns found in Lincolnshire, 184. OUa, Roman, foimd at Winchester, 183. Opus Alexandrinum, mosaic work, 94. Grecanicum, ib. Hibernicum, enamelled work, 108. Original Documents, 62, 280, 393. Osmond, St., his ritual for the church of Samm, 99. Ossoria, vases of glass, in Roman tombs, 110. Ouvry, Mr. R, watch of James I., exMbited by, 415. Owen, CoL, his seal, 403. Oxe, extinct Bi'itish species (bos longifrons), 34, 127. Oxford, cordwainers of, memoir on their guild, 146, 266. Oxfordshire. Documents relating to Deddington, 179; gold ring i'oxmd at Barton, 289; cromlech formerly there, 290. P. Paine, Col., gold armillse exhibited by, 59. Paintings, fresco, at Chesterford, 16 ; Up- ham, Hants, 397. Paintings, mural, at Broughton Church, Bucks, 176; St. Laurence's, Winton, 184. Palimpsest, brasses, at Westerham, 414. Palm Sunday, singular custom at Caistor, 244. Panofka, Theodore, ti'anslation of his " Manners and Customs of the Greeks," noticed, 420. Paris, ancient chess-men in National Li- brary, 171. PatellcC, Roman, of bronze, foimd at Swin- ton, 47. Pavement, remains of tessellated, at Chester- ford, 15. See Mosaic and Tiles. Pas, decorated with nielli, exhibited by Mr. Forrest, 73. Penner and ink-hom, on tomb at Llanbeblig, 414. Penny-hedge, custom at Whitby, 244. Perpendicular style, date of introduction, 141. Pershore Church, Worcestershire, 40. Petit, Rev. J. L., memoir on churches in Gloucestershire, 40; on chui'ches in Sussex, 137. Petrie, Mr., his explanation of an inscription in Scotland, 89. Peverel, Sir Hugo de, his effigy at Sampford Peverel, 185. Pheon, found in the Thames, presented, 71. PhiUppa, daughter of Henry IV., her tomb in Sweden, 316. Phoenicians, mines worked by, in the Astu- rias, 69; antiquities at Madrid, ib. Picardy, Society of Antiquaries of, curious bronze relics in their museum, 366. Piddinghoe Church, Sussex, notice of, 139. Pierse Bridge, Dm-ham, Roman remains at, 217. Pilgrim's Way, Surrey, 288. Pillar, Roman, fragment of, found at Ches- terford, 21, 25. Pins, of bronze and bone, Roman, 20; of bronze, found in tumulus at Lagore, Ireland, 105; of silver, foimd at Largo, Fifeshire, 255. Piscinre, at Gonalston Chm-ch, Notts, 7; at Sedgeberrow, 42; Poyniugs, Sussex, 142. Placket, armour of fifteenth century, 353. Plympton St. Mary's, sketches of -church there, 190. Poisoned weapons, supposed to have been used by the Celtic Irish, 410. Perth Dafarch, Holyhead Island, discovery of urns there, 226. Pottery, Roman, at Chesterford, 15, 19; fabiicated at Castoi", Northampton- shire, 19; Samian, ornamented with a cross, 81 ; imitative Samian, 181 ; Roman, found at Colchester, 183; near Headington, ib. ; at Popham, Hants 194; Corhampton, Hants, 397; variou