Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/638

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456 INDEX. York, tumular cemetery near, '27 ; Auglo- Saxon urns found, 37 ; singular vessels of terra cotta in Museum, 73 ; antiqui- ties found near, exhibited, 402. Yorkshire. Roman cists at Swinton, 45 ; gold or- nament at Masham, 61 ; sepulchral biasses at Howden and Kilnwick Percy, 82; cross-slabs, &c., Keighlej^, 78 ; carved chess-piece from Kirk- stall Abbey, 170 ; excavations at Fountains Abbey, 186,- Norman sculpture at Hovingham, 189 ; cross- slab at Thoip Arch, 194; memoir on Roman camps, &c., between the Tees and Swale, 213, 335 ; Roman remains, &c., at Catterick, 81. Z. Zodiac, signs of, on a font in Roiimey Marsh, 160. LONDON : BKAOIiUllV AND KVAN.>(, I'lUNTKRS, WHrrRKllIARS'.