Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/156

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SECTIONAL COMMITTEES. Section of History. ©resilient. HENRY IlALFOKl) VAUaHAN, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History. Secretaries. THE REV. JOHN EARLE, M.A., Professor of Anglo Saxon; Fellow of Oriel College. EDWIN GUEST, Esq., M.A., Secretary of the Philological Society. Section of ArcMtectnre. yrcsiOcnt. THE REV. RICHARD HARIXGTON, D.D., Principal of Brasenose College. Sccretarfts. KOIIDE HAWKINS, Esq. GEORGE RAYMOND PORTAL, Esq., B.A., Christ Church; Secretary of the Oxford Architectural Society. Section of Early and Mediaeval Antiquities. iPreslDrnt. THE HON. JAMES TALBOT, M.A., F.G.S., M.R.I.A. Secretaries. AUGUSTUS WOLLASTON FRANKS, Esq., B.A. MANUEL JOHN JOHNSON, Esq., M.A., Radcliffe's Observer. Crcasurer.— EDWARD HAWKINS, Esq., F.R.S.,F.S.A. Directors of the Museum. CHARLES TUCKER, Esq., F.S.A. | ALBERT WAY, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. It is requested that communications relative to the Meeting be addressed (in Oxford) to either of the following Gentlemen, the Local Secretaries of the Institute in the Univensitj'. THE REV. H. O. COXE, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian Library. THE REV. WILLIAM DYKE, B.D., Fellow of Jesus College. THE KEV. JOHN WILSON, B.D., F.S.A., Fellow of Trinity College. All persons disposed to contribute Antiquities, or Works of Art, for exhibition in the temporary Museum, are requested to communicate, at their earliest conve- nience, with the Local Secretaries in Oxford, or the Directors of the Museum, 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, London. All precautions will be taken for the security of objects thus entrusted for exhibition, and glazed cases provided : expenses of carriage defrayed. It is desirable, if convenient, that they should be forwarded, previously to the J^leeting, to the office of the Institute in London, and descriptive lists supplied, to facilitate their arrangement. The Central Committee particularly request all Gentlemen who propose to read Memoirs, or make any communication to the Meeting, in either of the Sections, to announce at an early period their intention, with the Title or subject of the Memoirs. By Order of the Central Committee H. Bowver Lane, "| Charlks Tucker, Secretaries. Albert AVay, J Office of tiif. AKcnAr.oi.OGiCAi. Institute, 26, Suffolk Stkeet, Pall Mall East, March 18, 1850. EraJijury & i-vans, Priuters, WhiiefriHr^.