Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/311

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miscellanp:ous notices. 215 texts ; with engravings, autographs and portraits ; and memoirs of eminent members of the college. Subscribers' names are received by Messrs. Deighton, Cambridge ; or Mr. J. Russell Smith. The Cambridge Society had previoilsly produced Catalogues of the MSS. in the libraries of St. Catherine's Hall and St. John's College. We hope that so desirable an aid to archaeological and historical inquiries may lead other antiquaries, who have access to collegiate libraries, to undertake similar catalogues of their long neglected stores of information. We rejoice to learn that, at Oxford, the good work commenced at the Ashmoleau by Mr. Black, in the description of the treasures of that library, has been followed up by the sub-librarian of the Bodleian, the Rev. H. Cose, who has nearly achieved the important task of a complete catalogue of the MSS. in Collegiate Libraries in the University of Oxford, shortly to be published. It is proposed to undertake the restoration of the " Round Church," at Little Maplestead, Essex, now in a very dilapidated condition. The con- servation of this interesting relic of the Knights of St. John is well deserving of the care of archaeologists. The benefice is of very trifling value ; the whole of the tithes, manorial rights, and upwards of a third part of the parish are held by trustees, for the use and benefit of the " Sabbatarian Dissenters," and they are patrons of the living. Contributions in aid of the preservation of this curious fabric are received by Messrs. Goslings, Bankers, Fleet-street, London, or Mr. James Brewster, Churchwarden, Halstead. The Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton have announced that the publication, commenced with so much spirit and success, and for some time unavoidably discontinued, on account of the heavy outlay requisite for illustrations, will forthwith be resumed, on the terms originally proposed. The only alteration will be in the publication of one yearly part, instead of six, but comprising an equal amount of matter and illustration. Mr. Henry Moody, of Winchester, Curator of the Hampshire Museum, and author of the " Sketches of Hampshire," announces the publication of a volume of " Notes and Essays " [by subscription) relating to the counties of Hants and Wilts. The Institute has, on several occasions, been indebted to his obliging assistance, and it will be remembered that the collections formed during the Salisbury Meeting were enriched by numerous antiquities of interest from the " Hampshire Museum." A Quarterly Journal of Architecture and the sister branches of classic art has been announced, to be entitled, " The Museum of Classical Antiqui- ties." It will be published by subscription, — £1 entitling the subscriber to four quarterly parts. The prospectus, which may be obtained from Mr. J. W. Parker, West Strand, announces the scope and purpose of this periodical, passing in review the various European publications connected with the subject of archaeology, and pointirg out the deficiency of any journal devoted to the history of classic architecture and the arts connected with it, "England," it is observed, "at present devotes, we might say, an exclusive study to the picturesque architecture of a Gothic age." The purpose of the new periodical is to give a fresh impulse and extension to the prosecution of archaeological studies, which cannot fail to produce advantageous results The beautiful series of examples of ancient and medieval art, displayed at the apartments of the Society of Arts, has proved one of the most attractive exhibitions ever presented in the metropolis. The warm interest VOL. VII. V v