Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/360

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258 CAERNARA^ON CASTLE. covering of the hall and the chamber of the hall with lead, los. 4d., and the tower called ' Rustycoker ' was ruinous, and would cost 8?., and the tower called ' le Chapel Tour ' could not be repaired under 128?., and a tower called * Pilardesbathe ' would cost 10?., and a tower called ' le Gyne Tour' would cost 100?.; also three towers called ' Gemewes ' would cost 15?., and a tower called ' le Midel Tour ' would cost 100s. ; also a tower which stands in the angle of the Castle towards the meadow, 10?. ; also 30 rood of walls, which were very ruinous, would cost 30?. ; also the kitchen was ruinous and would cost AOs. ; and to complete two towers above the hall would take 100?. In short, the whole that was necessary would cost 684?. 6s. Sc/." On the 5th. of August, William de Emelclon came to Caer- narvon, when with the jury he looked over the armoury, reported as to its condition, and examined the state of the Castle. From this survey it appeared, that in a certain tower, called the " Well Tower," in which w^ere disposed four cisterns, of which three were made, and on account of the default of the fourth cistern, which had not been made, the whole of the material had become worthless, so that it was needful to perfect and rel^uild with stone arches that part, which would cost 214/. Also a tower called " Tour de Ganer " was ruinous, and would cost 6/., and the repair of a certain kaye for the said tower, which it was desirable to do shortly against the sea, would take 40/. ; and that five chambers in a certain tower called " Tour de Egle," which were not finished, and other necessary repairs, would cost 15/. ; and two chambers in the tower called the " Gyn Tour " greatly needed repairing, and w^ould cost 10/., nameh', in corbelles and other mason's work, 61., and covering with lead the " Blake Tour," 6/., and the tower called the " Prison Tour," G/. Also that the gate of the aforesaid Castle, and a certain tower joined to the same gate, and a certain hall above the afore-mentioned gate, wdiich were begun and not finished, the completion of which they knew not how to estimate, and that a certain gate towards the Prince's garden (versus ortum principis) was begun and not completed, and the cost of this they could not declare. The sum total of all the requisite reparations and defects they set down at 295/. 10*. The report of the present Inquisition gives us the names of six towers, namely, the Eagle Tower, the Well Tower, " Tour le Ganer," the " Gyn Tour," where the engines were kept, the Black Tower, and the Prison Tower. Besides