Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/492

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358 NOTICE OF A STAMP name, q. ivl. mvrrani. The next discovery appears to have been that made at Bath, ah*eady mentioned ; this stamp was formerly in the possession of Mr. Thomas Mitchell, of Bristol (Archreologia, vol. ix, p. 228). In 1767, Mr. R. Forster ex- hibited to the Society of Antiquaries, a cast of a similar stone bearing two inscriptions : no record of the place of its discovery has been preserved. It is, however, very probable that this may have been the identical specimen found at Colchester, given by Dr. Chishull. In 1772, a stamp was found in excavations neai" Littleborough, Nottinghamshire, inscribed on three of its sides. A representation of this example, which appears to have been accidentally lost, may be found in the "Gentle- man's Magazine" for that year. It was communicated by C. D., from Southwell.^ In 1 778, the late Francis Douce, Esq., addressed to Mr. Urban a notice of another stamp, in his possession, with four inscriptions (See Gent. Mag., vol. xlviii. pp. 472, 509 ; and Archseologia, vol. ix, p. 227). It is probably now in the " Doucean Museum," at Goodrich Court. Gough produced another, figured with the last in his Memoir in the Archa)ologia : it bore three inscriptions. Impressions of these are preserved in the museum of the Society of Antiquaries.'^ Gough has described twenty-one of these relics, found in various countries, and it is to be regretted that he has not stated where the two, last mentioned, were found. It has been stated that a stamp of this nature had been found at St. Albans. (Gent. Mag., vol. xlviii. p. 510.) A singular relic of this description, but oi circular form, was found in 1808, near the Old Wall of Wroxeter, Salop. It is remarkable that this unique variety has remained unexplained and unnoticed by writers on this subject. It was first en- graved in Gent. Mag., vol. Ixxx. p. 617 ; it Impression on a Circular stamp was also mentioned iu Bcautics of England found at wroxeter. ^^^^^ Walcs, CO. Salop, p. 191 ; aud given by ]Ir. Ilartshorne in his Salopia Antiqua, p, 126, as an (Tesoro Brit, and Antiqu. Asiat.) isasfol- Hod in;itui' ad Colccstriam Roraanam olim lows. " Duas (publicationes) certe pulchra; colon iam rcpcrtic," &c. Caylus, however, impressas, et a tcsseris ai'chctypis longi- Recueil, t. 1., p. 224, cites Chishull as iisculis more quodani Typographico de- noticing such a stamp found at Oloucester. sumptas, adhuc apud me servo ; aliquot '^ Sec Gent. Mag. vol. xlii. 1772, p. 415 ; ab hinc &s & domino Lufkins Pharma- vol. xlviii. 177fi, p. .'J09. copola Colceatretisi, antiquitatum harum Catalogue of Antiquities, &c.. p, 12. studioso, humaniter milii conimunicatas.