Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/560

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4,12 NOTICES OP ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. country." Two examples of the ohruendarwm, or stone receptacle for a cinerary urn, desei've notice ; they were found near the amphitheatre. (See woodcut.) A similar repository for the protection of the olla, used in Roman interments, has been found in Essex, and is represented in the Journal of the British Archaeological Association. We must, however, close these brief notices of this interesting volume, in which many other vestiges of Roman art are described, well deserving of attention. The numismatist will also find a full and valuable catalogue of the numerous coins, extending through a period of more than four centuries, and closing with Ilonorius (395—423). It is gratifying to learn that the researches hitherto prosecuted so successfully will be con- tinued ; and the proposed establishment of a museum, for which the Earl Bathurst has liberally promised a site, aflcrds the promise that Cirencester will, ere long, possess a local collection, unequalled by any in the kingdom. Professor Buckman, and his accomplished coad- jutor, are pi'epared to resume the Avork of ex- cavation with fresh energy ; and we doubt not that the contributions of archaeologists, who have already benefited by their spirited exer- tions, will be cordially tendered in aid of the extensive examination contemplated, demand- ing an expenditure beyond the resources which they may have at command. The locality appears singularly rich in remains of every description, and the enterprise to which we allude is well deserving of public encouragement. Bronze Compasses. Found at Corinium. Stone Sarcophagi, found at Corinium, near the Aniphitlieatre. Height, about 18 inciies. - Recueil, tome v., pi. '65, 9.0.