Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/58

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or green or amethystine glass. Some, also, of the thin pieces of bronze, with which, perhaps, the whole surface of the shield was strengthened, have a pattern on them. The longest piece of wood which I discovered was 10 inches in length. There are ten bronze studs, but only one circular plate of silver. This concluded my second day's work.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 7, 0058a.png

Fragments of ornamented bronze plates; with a silver nail. Original size.

October 15.—To-day I went alone to the barrow, and whilst moving some of the soil at the bottom of the trench I found numerous small pieces of silver ornaments, as at the last visit, but they were very much broken, and so fragile, that it was a matter of great difficulty to secure them at all. I also found a fragment of iron, apparently part of a horse's bit, some portions of horse's bones and teeth, and lastly, a few pieces of flat iron, the remains, I suppose, of a small weapon, which had, probably, been intentionally broken. These objects are represented in the accompanying woodcuts.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 7, 0058b.png

Iron fragments; supposed to be of a weapon, horse-shoe, and bridle-bit.

October 18.—To-day I found some more fragments of silver and copper, as also of iron, in small pieces, and a portion of a horse's shoe. Having worked for about 2 yards beyond the site of the discovery, which has been described, and found nothing more, I desired the workmen to fill up