Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/186

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}U REMAKES OX THE CHURCH OF the angle to the level of the capital of the piers, supporting the Tower arch. (See the accompanying illustration.) The departure from the original jDlan, of which these particulars atford a very strong presumption, may be easily accounted for. About the ^^ear 1320, Thomas Cobham, Bishop of Worcester, is related by Anthon}- Wood to have begun to build (or at least to make some preparations for building) a Library over the old Cono-reo-ation House iu the churchyard of St. Mary's. The style of its architecture proves that the building now under consideration was re- constructed from the ground about, or not long before that time; and the preparations ascribed to Bishop Cobhara may well have consisted in the adaptation of the building, completed soon after his death in 1327, for the recep- tion of the " Solarium," or upper storj-, in which his books were afterwards de- posited, on the conclusion of the controversy concerning the title to this edifice be- tween the Universit}^ and Oriel College in 140f). The ancient entrance to the upper story is still visible in a broad pier on the south side. The aperture is walled up, and by what means its elevated sill was approached must be left to conjecture, the steps or platform having been destroyed when the alteration which produced the present chancel was made. The ancient approach at the western extremity is not very easily made out ; but access appears to have been gained from the rood-loft by an ante-room, built subsequently to the Church, within the court between the Congregation House and cliancel, with a connectnig passage on the west side of South-east Pier of the Towt-r, showing the insertion of the vaulting rib into the older work, wbich is here shown of a darker colour.