Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/235

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THE BULLA WORN RY JJOMAX lioYS. IC'.I ino; cord passes. The front, instead of being ))lain as in all the five bullas already mentioned, is tastefully en;j;raved with curved and zig-zag ornaments. In this s})ecimen the two plates of gold were joined without an opening between thcm.^ Taking it for granted that the Lancashire bullas are still in England, I venture to ask where they are now deposited, hoping that my inquiry may lead to the same gratifying result as in the case of Lady Fellows's bulla." In my description of the Geldestone sepulchre I have men- tioned the modes of representing the bulla in ancient monu- ments. These were monuments of boys, and cither sculp- tures, pictures, or terra cottas. Of the sculptures none probably is more perfect and beautiful than the bronze statue of a boy, which may now be seen in the Louvre at Paris. The boy wears a tunic and pallium. He holds a spherical object, perhaps a fruit, in his right hand, and a dove in his left. The statue belono:ed to the late M. E. Durand, whose collection was sold Through the kindness of M. De Longperier, the Conservator of the Museum, I am enabled to lay before the Insti- tute a drawing of the bulla, which is repre- sented upon the breast of the boy. This bulla bears some resemblance in its form and orna- ment to that found at Manchester.® There are at Rome three marble statues, which exhibit the bulla on the breast of the wearer, viz. — two in the Villa Borghese,^ and one in the Vatican.^ The in 1836.

  • ffist. of Manchester, by the Rev. John

Whitaker, Second Edition, London, 1773. yoll.,-p. 8L 'Q&meit's Hist.of Lancashire, VoLir.p. L55. ^ Whi taker says, that the Manchester bulla was deposited in Sir Ashton Lever's Museum ; but I have searched the cata- logue of the Leverian Museum for it in vain.

  • The small bronze figures of Horns

or Harpocrates, sometimes represent him one wearing the bulla. See Spon, 3/mc. Erud. Ant. p. 18. Cupen Harpocrates, in Poleni Supplem. T. H. p. 425, 428. It may be presumed, that this addition to his attri- butes or emblems was made after the establishment of the Roman dominion in Egypt. 8 'ticxdture dd Palazzo deUa villa Borghese, noma, 1796. Vol. //., p. 24. ' Mus. Pio Clementina, Tom. I/I. tav. 21. liomo', 1790, folio.