Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/444

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344 ACCOUNT OF THE EXAMINATION OF TUMULI long, by 1 in. in width. (See woodcut.) The other (of dimensions suited for being adjusted to an arrow) measured If in. long, by ^ in. in breadth ; the latter is somewhat peculiar, having one side flat and slightly curved ; the point is singularly obtuse, having been, as it appeared, intentionally rounded. (See woodcuts and profile view.) This flat-sided form of the arrow-head does not appear to have been found in AViltshire, nor am I aware that such have been often dis- covered in Celtic tumuli in other localities.^ Arrow-heads of Silex. Tumulus Xo. 2. Orig. size. No. 3. — This tumulus is situated 226 ft. south-east of No. 1, and is very similar in form, measuring 60 ft. in diameter and 3 ft. high ; the summit was perfectly flat, and there was no ditch or vallum. Several hollow places appeared around and near it, from which the soil seemed to have been taken to construct the mound. A circular exca- vation was made in the centre, about 6 ft. in diameter ; and at 2 ft. deep, nearly in the middle of the barrow, a fine urn was found deposited, some Uttle depth in the natural soil ; it was erect, w^th an urn of smaller size inverted upon it, " Compai-o various forms of weapons, knives, and imj)lements of stone discovered in Denmark ; Nordisk Tidskrift, Vol. i. tab. iii. One of these, fig. 28, is remark- ably cui'ved and blunt at the point.