Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/482

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380 THE LINES FORMED ROUND OXFORD not to be found, nor could I discover any such sketch amongst the manuscripts, in the Bodleian Library. Plnn of the Lines around Oxford — Reduced from the plate in the Ilistoria Univ. Oxon. In looking at the above plan, there would appear to have been an entire enceinte of bastions (bulwarks) and curtains on a small scale, such as are given by engineers prior to Count Pagan's time, with chstances, from 100 to 120 toises to be defended by harquebusses or muskets. Beyond this again there appears in the sketch, an entire envelope, some- thing like that in later days suggested by Montalembert, and a second ditch. As early as Blondel's time counter-guards over the bulwarks had been suggested, and he himself proposed making such works continuous round the whole enceinte. Whether such Avorks were anywhere actually con- structed I cannot find. Now Wood only mentions one hne (of bulwarks and curtains), and then one ditch, pahsades, &c. He gave the name of Ralhngson, of Queen's college, as the engineer who constructed them ; and in Queen's College Library I hoped to find some original papers of Rallingson's connected with the siege, but I was disappointed. I found there, however, a French manuscript, dated 1631, given to the Earl of March, by P. Jourdain, arithmetician, at Saumur, which contains the different systems of fortification then known in France, the Low Countries, Spain, and Italy. It is entitled, " EMraites des ceuvres de St. Gerard, de Bas le