Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/527

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REMARKABLE OBJECT OF THE REIGN OF AMENOPIIIS J 1 1. 107 monarch named Amcnmes,^ Avliose pnunonien lia-samen ma "the sun, estabhsher of truth," is like that of Amenopliis III. ; while the name of the wife of Amcnanchut, Anclisen- amen,*^ also shows that all these kings belonged to the orthodox religion of Thebes, and render it probable they were supported by the Thoban priesthood, in ojiposition to the heretics. There is no evidence to prove the order of the succession of these three monarchs, but M. Bunsen gives a genealogy from 31. Lcpsius, which makes the succession Amenophis IV., Ilorus, and Amenanchut. The priunomen of another King, Ra anch Cheperu (the Sun-life of created beings), with his name erased, showing that he was an Ammon-worshipper, has also been found as preceding the disk-adoring line. The next fact is that of the name of Amenophis IV. being erased, and that of Bnchcnaten^ '• the light of the disk," or " the adorer of the disk," being cut over the erased name,® the prajnomen remaining unchanged ; while in other cases the prienomen only differs in its secon- dary^ portion, just enough to render it doubtful whether Amenophis IV. and Achenaten, were two monarchs or one. Hence while some see in this last king merely the apostate Amenophis IV., others suppose that it is his widow, named Taitai, or another king of foreign origin, who introduced into the country the worship of his own deities. The doubt which this pUnth of ebony throws upon this part of the subject is evident, because Amenophis III. for defect of issue was obliged to adopt a daughter. Now it appears from tablets at Tel El iimarna and Psinaula,^ dated in the Sixth year of Achenaten, in which that monarch, attended by his queen, Aten-neferu Taiia-nefer, and his daughters, Aten-ma and Aten-merit, that this line was also deficient in the male line, and that the Sun-worship thus broke uj). Tlie reverence paid by Achenaten, to Amenophis III.' on the sPrisse.Tran. R. S. Lit.l. c. pl.iii.fig. 1. clause; but in the Ramessids, tliediffe- « Case for Stibium, B. M. E. R. No. rence of these clauses marks reigns. Ach- 2573. Leemans, Lettre, PI. xui.. No. 141. enaten has Khaa en ra, " first of the sun ;" ' Bunsen I.e. Amenophis IV., Mcri en ra, "beloved of 8 Trans. R. S. Lit. pi. iii. fig. B. the sun." . ■ ■ ncr 9 It is a difficult point to decide a ' Prisse. Mon. Eg.,pl. xi-xn., tf. Irans. priori whether some slight changes R. S. Lit, 1«43, pi. 2. Basalt pedestal, indicate a new reign ; because generally - I owe the knowledge of this f.-ict U. a the first part of the prteuomen, when it is drawing communicated l.y Mr ( ,. ilkin- composed of two clauses, is the key ; thus, son. Thothmes III. often changed the second