Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/578

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444 INDEX. Shirley, Mr. E. P., extracts by, from the Fermor accounts, 179. Shropshire. Vitrified stones found near Ellesmere, 196; bronze speai-s found near the Wrekin, 197 ; remains of Gat- acre House, 315. SiLCHESTER, Memoir on, by Mr. Maclauchlan, 227. Silex, arrow-heads, in Mr. Brackstone's collection, 197 ; weapons, &c., of, found in Lincolnshire, 343 ; singular objects from Honduras, 422. Smirke, Sir., original documents relating to Devon, 411. Smith, Mi-. Bemhard, exhibits an axe for brittling the stag, 93 : bronze spear from Shropshire, 197; Spanish sword, ib. ; dagger from the Thames, 321 ; ancient relics from St. Domingo, 422 ; matchlock gims, 427. Smith, Ml". C. R., Samian ware in his Museum, 34 ; his observations on the Deffi Matres, 42. Somerset, Robert Car, Eai'l of, miniature by Oliver, 20S. Somersetshire. Seal of Rural Deanery of Pawlett, 75 ; ] ring of white metal found in an ' urn, 212 ; gold penannular ring , found neai" Bridgewater, ib. : sepul- i chral slab with effigy of knight, at i Ashington, 319; excavations at ■Vorle Hill, 415. Somerton, Oxfordshire, accounts and tombs of the Femior family, 185. Southampton, ancient ship found at, 192. Spoons, Roman, with objects relating to Dese Matres, 39 ; found at Caei'leou, 162 ; at Cii-encester, 188. Staffordshire. Notice of Jack of Hilton, and manorial services connected with it, 192. Stone, Bucks, Roman remains found there, 95, 205. Stonehenge, on date of, 143. Stradling, Mr., exhibits ring-money of white metal, 212. Strata Florida, seal of, 221. Stratford le Bow, porcelain works at, 204. Strigil, found at Sutton Courtney, 190. Stylus, Roman, 245. Suffolk. Proceedings of Archaeological Institute of Bm'v, &c., 121 ; ring found at Grandisbm-gh, 214. Sulley, Mr., exhibits weapons, &c., found at Nottingham, 424 ; gold ring found there, 425. Surrey. Silver ring fovmd at Titsey, 214. Sussex. Seal of John Livet, found at East Bourne, 78; antiquities at Worthing &c., described by Mr. DLson, 112 ; ancient canoe found, 113 ; Archaeo- logical Society, proceedings of, 434. Swerford, Alex, de, notice of his history, 281. Swords, of early form, found at Notting- ham, 425. Talbot de Malahide, Lord, exhibits ena- melled book of prayers, 93 ; his re- marks on porcelain seals found in Ireland, 209. Tara brooch, royal, so called, 90. Theophilus, his account of enamels termed electra, 53. Thurnam, Dr., exhibits bronze pyx found in Farndale, 88 ; iron weapons and a fibula from Norway, 97. Tiles, Roman, for hypocausts, 34 ; medieval, found at Eynsham Abbey, 211, 423 ; made by Palissv, 196 ; from Tunis, 427. Tomb of Thomas Fermor, indenture for making, 185. Tomkins, Mr., his notices of sculptures in Devon, 92. Totnes, wills relating to, 307. Toulouse, Roman chariot wheels there, 163. Traherne. Rev. J. M., exhibits inscription fi-om' Cheriton Chm-ch, 423. Trinity College, the President of, his account of Roman remains at Horton, 313. Trollofe, Mr., memoir on tiuuuli in Lin- colnshu'e, 341. Tucker, Mr., exhibits brass of Sii- J. Arundel, 94. Tunis, tiles from, exhibited, 427. TuRXER, Mr. Hudson, notices of the times of Edward I., 45, 200. V. Vaudey Abbey, remains of, 210. Vavasour, effigy at York Minster, 89. Venice, enamelled work in St. Mark's, 60. Verxox, Mr. W. F., exhibits seal of Hurlej' Priorv, 74 ; his account of Jack of Hilton, 192. Villa, Roman, at Hadstock, 27- Volsellae, Roman, 34. W. Wales. Gold ornaments found near Llando-