Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 9.djvu/503

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INDEX. 405 Jut, senls made of, 10.0 ; chessmen found at Warrington, 301. Jowitt, Mr., exhibits an Albanian hategar, 298. K. Kelke, Rev. H., communicates notices of sepuleliral effigies at Clienies, 382. Kendricli, Di'., exhibits chessmen of jet, 304. Kent. Arms found near Woolwich, 9 ; Egyptian figure at Swan.scomb, ih.; Saxon relics, at Ringwould, 304 ; table for finding the Dominical letter, at Eastry, 3!{|). Kilburu Priory, relics found at, 3i!7. Kirby Raveiibworth, brooch found at, 90. Kirkwall Cathedral, appeal for its preserva- tion, 19G. Laigneville, France, church noticed, 68. Lancashire. Che.ssmen of jet found at Warrington, 304. Landseer, Mr. C, exhibits hunting horn and dagger, 196. Laon, France, sepulchral slabs at, 303, 384. Latten, metal, 2fi2. Leighton, Rev. F., exhibits pavement tiles, 297. Limoges enamels, by Leonard Limosin, 109 ; casket, 306 ; examples of various dates, 388, 389. Lincolnshire. Inscription on tower of Stixwold church, 97 ; leaden seal found at Sleaford, 9.9 ; silver Roman ruig, from Lincoln, 200. Livonian antiquities, purchased for the British Museum, 14. Loddon, Norfolk, representation of St. Wil- liam there, 1 1 3. Loudon, Mosaic pavement found in Cannon Street, 297- Long, Mr. H., presents Roman cist and urns to the British Museum, 12. Lucas, Mr., exhibits painted glass from Surrey, 100. Lyndwode, Bishop, discovery of his corpse at Westminster, 1 1 2. Lj'te, Mr., communicates discoveries in a cavern at Berry Head, 93 ; exhibits various antiquities, 98. M. Madden, Sir F., notice of mediteval enigma, 97. Majendie, Mr., exhibits plan of Hedingham Castle, 196. Majolica, in Britisli Museum, 1 3. Malta, antiquities discovereil, 299. Man, I.sle ul, gi>ld ring found there, I ]0. Manning, Rev. C, communicates discovery of a gold ornament in Suffolk, 107, 304. Mantkll, Dr., exhibits F^^yptian figures, 96 ; ball found near Brighton, in iiis collection, ib., 386 ; hs notices nf the Mantell tombs in Northam|iton,xhire, 300 ; ])alimpsest escutcheon, in his possession, ib., 385. Massie, Rev. E., his notice of mural paint- ings at Gawsworth, 101. Meetings in London, 90, 185, 285, 381 ; Annual London meeting, 205 ; New- castle meeting, 361. Merchant's mark on a ring, 305. Metal work, Ust of bronze doors of churches, 350. Monckton Priory Church, Pembrokeshiie, noticed, 161. MoNMOUTIl.-^illRE. Forked arrow heads found, 118; chalice from Christ's Church, Monmouth, 291 ; pavement tiles exhibited by Mr. Rolls, 298. Morgan, Mr., exhibits forked arrow heads, 118 ; Chinese enamels, &c , 298 ; his memoir on assay marks, 125, 231, 313 ; notices of early church plate, 289 ; remarks on spoons, 301. Mosaic pavement, found in London, 297. Moulds, of stone, for casting bronze weapons, 185 ; for lead tokens, 303. Museum, British, report by Mr. Franks on British antiquities there, 1 ; objects lately presented, 7, H, 194, 305 ; an- tiquities purchased, 14, 303 ; Roman oculist's stamp there, identified as from St. Alban's, 187 ; inedited coin of Carausius purchased, 194 ; medals of Charles L and Essex, presented by Miss Bockett, 196. — at Alnwick Castle, 369. Muttilow Hill, Cambridgesiiire, discoveries there, 226. Mylne, Mr, presents antiquities to tlie British Museum, 7. N. Names, remarkable changes of, 181. Nesbitt, Mr., exhibits rubbings «f incised slabs at Cracow and Laon, 113; altar- cloth at Soest, 188 ; incised slab at Bamberg, 190 ; sepulchral biiisses at Paderborn, Lubeck, c., 201 ; memoir on bronze doors, Gnesen Cathedral, 213,339; sepulchral brasses at Lnbeck, 294 ; incised slabs in France, 383. Neville, Hon. K. C, memoir on excavation at the Fleam Dyke, 220 ; at Aslidon, Essex, 382.