Page:Art of Cookery 1774 edition.djvu/438

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An apple pudding, 220. A pork or beef, &c. pudding, 244. A rice pudding, ib. A suet pudding, 245. A liver pudding boiled, ib. An oatmeal pudding, ib. To bake an oatmeal pudding, ib. To make a pease pudding, 246. An almond hogs pudding, three ways, 248, 249. Hogs pudding with currants, 249. Black puddings, ib. A pudding with the blood of a goose, 250. To make English Jews puddings for sixpence, 375. Carolina rice pudding, 383. Puff-paste, how to make, 145. Pullets, how to dress pullets a la Sainte Menehout, 72. Pupton, how to make a pupton of apples, 161. Pye, See Pie. Q. Quince, to make a quince pudding, 210. Quince wine, 293. To preserve red quinces while, 303. To make jelly for quinces, ib. To make syrup for quinces, 304. Quince cakes, 307. To preserve white quinces whole, 351. To make marmalade of quinces white, 354. Quire of paper pancakes, how to make, 160. R. Rabbit, sauce for boiled rabbits, 9. How to roast rabbits, 11. Sauce for roasted rabbits, ib. How to roast a rabbit hare fashion, ib. To fricasey rabbits, 23. To dress Portuguese rabbits, 98. Rabbits surprise, ib. To boil rabbits, 99, 234. To dress rabbits in casserole, 99. To make a Scotch rabbit, 190. A Welch rabbit, ib. An English rabbit, two ways, ib. To chuse rabbits, 223. Radish pots, to pickle, 264. Ragoo, how to ragoo a leg of mutton, 22. Hogs feet and ears, 25. A neck of veal, 28. A braest of veal, two ways, 29. A piece of beef, 33. Cucumbers, 109. Oysters, 110, 183. Asparagus, 110, Livers, 111. Cauliflowers, ib. Gravy for a ragoo, 121. To ragoo endive, 188. French beans, 18, 196. Ragoo of beans with force, 196. Beans ragoo'd with parsnips, ib. Beans ragoo'd with potatoes, ib. To ragoo celery, 198. Mushrooms, ib. A ragoo of eggs, 199. Beans in ragoo, 202. Raisin wine, how to make, 191, 350. Raspberry, to make raspberry giam, 286. Raspbery wine, 294. To preserve raspberries, 358. Ratafia, how to make a ratafia pudding, 218. To make ratafia cream, 283. Red marmalade, to make, 302. Ribband jelly, to make, 285. Rice, how to boil, 101. How to make a rice soop, 151. A rice white pot, 152. Rice milk 153. Rice pancakes, 161. A rice pudding, four ways, 211, 212, 244. A boiled rice pudding, 218. A cheap rice pudding, ib. To make a cheap plain rice pudding, 219. To make a cheap baked rice pudding, ib. A rice pudding baked, 243. Rich, Mr. a dish of mutton contrived by him, 100. Roasting, directions for, 1, 12, 15. To roast beef, 2, 12. Mutton, ib. Lamb, 2. House lamb, 13. Veal, 2, 13. Pork, 3, 15. A