Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/69

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//// //. it/- A7//- //A'/. YAJ 67

| I) i a | M :s of thiN ' :ea / whiche haue ben

I tyes myne old frendes / & nowc (by reafon of inyne cxyle out of Rome) in \ newc neyghbours ami < m/cnv l-, r I thanke you of your goodnes you haue p that it f hulde fo be / & on the

other ly<i< ;tunc hath mnllrayncd me to feke foniC newe

dwcllynsj out of the < me wlu-i.- I was brought vp and cnhal I wolde nat t! .f you fhuldc thynkc I am nowc come

amonge you nat inm-mbr vii^e my to//di<yon and ftatc / but the roinon k-upardy that we he all nowc in / wyll < ompcll cucry man to open and fhcwc the befte remedy that he knowethe for o-. in this gre

Natwithftandynge this / a man maye take ! inynge other-

after any of the faryons afore recyted / if he 1

Tully in tin whrrin he aduifed the Komaynes to make

I'oinpey theyr chyefe capytayne ttesand Tygrancs/

kyn.^es of r.)nthu> and Arineny / taketli in the preface bencuole//cc from his o\\iu- per Ion / fhewynge by what occacyon he invent law- fully gyue cou//cell to the Romaynes / byrauie he was electe Prctor of the citie. We may alfo louche our aduerlaryes in the preface/ or els we may [D i 1>) toiuhe the inaners / either of fome feuerall per- fons / or of the commons in general. As in the oracyon that For- cvus Cato made a^aynfte the fumptuoufhes of the women of Rome/ thus. 1

If cnery man my lordes and maifters of this citie wolde obferue and kepe the ry.^hl and maielty of a man a^aynl'te his owne \s we fhulde haue ferre le !l>rance nowe with the hole thronge

than we haue. Hut nowe our fredome & lybertie is ouercome within our owne dores by the importunatnes of our wyues / and fo audi- citie 3 take// therof here troden vnder the fete/ and opprefled in the parlyament houle ! And by (ante we wold nat difpleale no man his owne wyfc at home: here are we nowe combred with all / gathered ier on a hepe / & brought in that takinge that we dare nat ones open our lyppes agaynfte tl

We may alto bcgyn at the nature of the lyine that we fpeke in/ or at the nature of the place / or at any other eircumftaunce or thynge incident. As I.iuius in the .i\. boke of his fourt he decade agayni\e the feaftes that the Romaynes kept in the honour of the

1 B. adds begynnyngc.

3 B. audacitie.

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