Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/80

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then to [E iii a] pleafe Pamphilus mynde. And Sofia demaunded why he wolde do fo. Simo made aunfwere by raciocinacion / fay- enge / dofte thou afke that : mary his vngracious and vnhappy mynd is the caufe therof. Oenon in Ovides epiftles ioyneth togyther qualytte and naturall impulfyon / fayenge A iuuene et Cupido credatur reddita virgo ? whiche is in Englyffhe. Thynke you that fhe that was caried awaye of a yonge ma// / and hote in loue / was reftored agayne a mayde ?

Tully in the oracion for Milo / amonge other argume#tes bryng- eth in one againft Clodius by naturall impulfion of hatred / fhew- ynge that Clodius had caufe to hate Milo fyrft / for he was one of them that laboured for the fame Tullyes reuocacyon from exyle / whiche Tulli Clodius malicioufly hated. Agayne that Milo oppref- fyd many of his furioufe purpofes. And fynally bycaufe the fayd Milo accufed hym and cafte hym afore the Senate and people of Rome.

Raciocinacion is that cometh of hope of any commodity / or to efchewe any difcommodity. As Tully argueth in his oracion for Milo agaynft Clodius by raciocinacion to proue that it was he that laide wayt for Milo on this maner.

[E iii b] It is fufficient to proue that this cruel and wicked befte * had a great caufe to flee Milo / yf he wolde brynge his maters that he wet aboute to paffe / and great hope if he were ones gone / nat to be letted in his pretenced malyce.

After raciocinacion folowyth comprobacion / to fhewe that no man els had any caufe to go there about / faue he whome we accaufe' / nor no profyte coulde come to no man thereof: faue to hym.

Thefe are the wayes whereby an oratour shal proue that the p^rfone accufed had wyl to the thynge that is layde to his charge.

To proue that he might do it ; ye muft go to the circumitance of the caufe / as that he had lyefer 3 ynough thereto and place con- uenient and ftrength withall.

Alfo you fhall proue it by fygnes / which are of merueyloufe efficacye in this behalfe / wherfore here mufte be noted that fygnes be eyther wordes or dedes that eyther dyd go before or els folowe the dede. As Tully in his oracion nowe often alledged argueth agaynft Clodius by fygnes goyng afore the dede / as that Clodius

  • B. beefte. 2 B. accufe. 3 B. leyfer.

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